jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

Textook 1 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 2 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 3 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 4 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 5 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Textook 6 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B6L10T1W0修練xiūliànVto undergo training in order to achieve a goal
B6L10T1W0詮釋quánshìN/Vinterpretation; to interpret
B6L10T1W0相輔相成xiāngfǔ xiāngchéngIdto complement each other
B6L10T1W01書中自有黃金屋shūzhōng zìyǒu huángjīnwūPhknowledge brings wealth, lit. there are gold houses in books (used to encourage youngsters to study)
B6L10T1W02讀萬卷書、行萬里路dú wàn juàn shū, xíng wàn lǐ lùPhread and travel a great deal, i.e., knowledge is found both in books and in travelling
B6L10T1W03脫逃tuōtáoVito escape from
B6L10T1W04實戰shízhànNactual combat (i.e., daily life)
B6L10T1W05出類拔萃chūlèi bácuìIdrise above the crowd, distinguish yourself
B6L10T1W06階段jiēduànNphase, stage, time, period
B6L10T1W07shúNwho, what, which (classical Chinese)
B6L10T1W08Advvery (classical Chinese)
B6L10T1W09引人深思yǐnrén shēnsīIdcause you to ponder, thought-provoking
B6L10T1W10管理學院guǎnlǐ xuéyuànPhcollege of management
B6L10T1W11院長yuànzhǎngNdean of a college
B6L10T1W15脫鉤tuōgōuV-septo disconnect, to break away from
B6L10T1W17步入bùrùVto step into, to enter
B6L10T1W18野獸yěshòuNbeast, wild animal
B6L10T1W19聚焦jùjiāoVito focus
B6L10T1W20視野shìyěNvision, view
B6L10T1W21從容cōngróngAdvunhurriedly, calmly
B6L10T1W22應對yìngduìVito deal with, to tackle, to handle
B6L10T1W23綜觀zòngguānVto take a comprehensive view of
B6L10T1W24總經理zǒngjīnglǐNgeneral manager
B6L10T1W25曲折qūzhéVszigzag, full of twists and turns
B6L10T1W26缺點quēdiǎnNweak point, flaw, failing
B6L10T1W28行走xíngzǒuVto walk on, to gain experience from
B6L10T1W29江湖jiānghúNin the world, society (i.e., real life)
B6L10T1W30回頭huítóuV-seplook back
B6L10T1W33為人處世wéirén chǔshìPhhow you conduct yourself in society, how you get along with others
B6L10T1W34更為gèngwéiAdvmore, even more
B6L10T1W35圓融yuánróngVsharmoniously, smooth and without corners or edges (in one's dealings with others)
B6L10T1W37思考術sīkǎoshùNart of thinking
B6L10T1W38善(於)shàn (yú)Vstto be good at
B6L10T1WT台科大TáikēdàNational Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei Name
B6L10T1WT盧希鵬Lú XīpéngHsi-Peng Lu (Distinguished Professor of department of Information Management, NTUST, 1962-) Name
B6L10T1WT中經合集團Zhōngjīnghé jítuánWI Harper Group (a pioneer in cross-border investments with offices in Beijing, Taipei, and San Francisco) Name
B6L10T1WT朱永光Zhū YǒngguāngY. K. Chu (managing director, oversees WI Harper's venture capital business in Taiwan) Name
B6L10T2W0評量píngliángVto assess, to evaluate
B6L10T2W0畫上huàshàngVto draw
B6L10T2W0閱讀yuèdúN/Vreading comprehension; to read
B6L10T2W0內化nèihuàVpto internalize, to be acquired
B6L10T2W01混為一談hùnwéi yìtánIdto lump together, to confuse things
B6L10T2W02出息chūxíNa bright future, a future, promise
B6L10T2W03識字shìzìVsto be literate
B6L10T2W04先天xiāntiānN(lit.) prior to birth, what's given at birth
B6L10T2W05辨識biànshìVto comprehend, to distinguish
B6L10T2W06跳行tiàohángVito skip a line (when reading)
B6L10T2W07不損bùsǔnVstto not take away from, to do no damage to
B6L10T2W08偉大wěidàVs/Ngreat; greatness
B6L10T2W10不礙bú'àiVstto not hinder, to not obstruct
B6L10T2W11fānMmeasure for achievement
B6L10T2W12開竅kāiqiàoVpto see the light, to start to understand properly, to be enlightened
B6L10T2W13bènVsstupid, not smart
B6L10T2W14超越chāoyuèVto exceed, to surpass
B6L10T2W16天賦tiānfùNgift, talent, innate abilities (lit. given by heaven)
B6L10T2W17得以déyǐVauxto be able to
B6L10T2W18執政zhízhèngVito hold the reins of government, to run the government
B6L10T2W19理念lǐniànNidea, ideal, belief
B6L10T2W20有所yǒusuǒAdvto some degree
B6L10T2W21放諸四海皆準fàngzhū sìhǎi jiēzhǔnIdthe same the world over, universally true
B6L10T2W22學術xuéshùNacademic, scholarship
B6L10T2W23知其然zhī qíránPhto know the what (classical)
B6L10T2W24知其所以然zhīqí suǒyǐránPhto know the why (classical)
B6L10T2W26區分qūfēnVto distinguish (between)
B6L10T2W28見聞jiànwénNknowledge obtained from seeing and hearing (e.g., when traveling)
B6L10T2W29提取tíqǔVto obtain, to draw essence from
B6L10T2W30預見yùjiànVto predict, to foresee
B6L10T2W31防範fángfànVto take precautions, to guard against, to prevent
B6L10T2W32未雨綢繆wèiyǔ chóumóuIdto be prepared against eventualities
B6L10T2W33促發cùfāVto trigger, to initiate
B6L10T2W34凡是fánshìConjall, every
B6L10T2W35性命交關xìngmìng jiāoguānIdmatter of life and death, critical moments
B6L10T2W36模仿mófǎngVto mimic, to imitate
B6L10T2W38有樣學樣yǒuyàng xuéyàngIdto imitate someone's example
B6L10T2W39孟母三遷Mèngmǔ sānqiānIdMencius' mother moved three times to better his education
B6L10T2W40內隱nèiyǐnVs-attrimplicit, implied, hidden
B6L10T2W41暴露pùlùVito be exposed to
B6L10T2W44解開jiěkāiVptto unravel, to unlock, to solve
B6L10T2W45基因jīyīnNgene, genes
B6L10T2W46Nriddle, mystery
B6L10T2W47受虐shòunüèVsto be abused
B6L10T2W48調控tiáokòngV/Nto adjust, to adjust and control, adjustment

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.