jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

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Textook 3 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B5L01T1W0言論yánlùnNspeech, act of speaking
B5L01T1W0界線jièxiànNboundaries, demarcation
B5L01T1W0臉書LiǎnshūNFacebook Name
B5L01T1W0Mmeasure for short, usually formal writings
B5L01T1W0留言liúyánNposted messages, comments
B5L01T1W0停止tíngzhǐVpto call off, cease
B5L01T1W01無罪wúzuìVsnot guilty
B5L01T1W02zāoPtcagent marker in an adversative passive sentence
B5L01T1W04反應fǎnyìngN/Vreaction; to respond
B5L01T1W05發表fābiǎoVissue, publish (articles, news story), deliver (speeches)
B5L01T1W07判決pànjuéNjudgement, sentencing (judicial)
B5L01T1W08無能wúnéngVsincompetent, inept, weak
B5L01T1W09幸運xìngyùnVslucky, fortunate
B5L01T1W10顧名思義gùmíng sīyìIdas the name suggests/implies
B5L01T1W11接收jiēshōuVto receive
B5L01T1W13處罰chǔfáVto punish
B5L01T1W15不論búlùnConjregardless of whether
B5L01T1W16展現zhǎnxiànVto reveal, show
B5L01T1W17胡作非為húzuò fēiwéiIdrun amok, engage in lawless activities
B5L01T1W18一旦yídànConjonce, as soon as
B5L01T1W19工具gōngjùNtool, instrument
B5L01T1W20洗腦xǐnǎoVito brainwash
B5L01T1W21權益quányìNrights and interests
B5L01T1W22盲點mángdiǎnNblind spot
B5L01T1W23立場lìchǎngNstandpoint, perspective
B5L01T1W25辯護biànhùVito defend (legally)
B5L01T1W26無理取鬧wúlǐ qǔnàoIdact up, have tantrums, talk nonsense and cause trouble
B5L01T1W27指正zhǐzhèngVto point out mistakes, correct
B5L01T1W28一來一往yìlái yìwǎngIdamidst exchanges (of opinions)
B5L01T1W29真理zhēnlǐNthe truth
B5L01T1W30越辯越明yuèbiàn yuèmíngIdthe more s/t is debated, the clearer it becomes
B5L01T1W32亂象luànxiàngNchaos, madness, disorder
B5L01T1W33攻擊gōngjíVto attack
B5L01T1W34自殺zìshāVpto commit suicide
B5L01T1W35過於guòyúAdvtoo, overly
B5L01T1W36事實上shìshí shàngPhactually, in actual fact
B5L01T1W37仇恨chóuhènNhatred, enmity, hostility
B5L01T1W38不實bùshíVs-attruntrue, false
B5L01T1W40霸凌bàlíngN/Vbully; to bully
B5L01T1W41負責fùzéVsto take responsibility for
B5L01T1W42誤解wùjiěVto misunderstand, misconstrue
B5L01T1W43意義yìyìNmeaning, significance
B5L01T1W44因此yīncǐAdvbecause of this, for this reason
B5L01T1W45否定fǒudìngVto negate
B5L01T1W47封住fēngzhùVto seal, block
B5L01T1W48zuǐNmouth, opinion
B5L01T1W49混亂hùnluànVstumultuous, chaotic
B5L01T1W50唯一wéiyīVs-attrone and only, sole
B5L01T2W01濫用lànyòngVto abuse
B5L01T2W02並非bìngfēiAdvit is not as expected
B5L01T2W03不用búyòngVaux(there is) no need to
B5L01T2W04zhuāVto arrest
B5L01T2W05guānVto lock up, imprison
B5L01T2W06名嘴míngzuǐNTV presenters, talk show hosts or guests, talking heads
B5L01T2W07根據gēnjùNbasis, foundation
B5L01T2W08隨意suíyìAdvarbitrarily, as one pleases
B5L01T2W09鄉民xiāngmínNnetizens, general public
B5L01T2W10匿名nìmíngVito be anonymous, anonymously
B5L01T2W12惡意èyìAdv/Nmaliciously, viciously; ill intention
B5L01T2W13情緒qíngxùNemotions, feelings
B5L01T2W14chéngVptto become
B5L01T2W15護身符hùshēnfúNamulet, charm, protective talisman
B5L01T2W16傳播chuánbòVto disseminate, spread
B5L01T2W17驚人jīngrénVsshocking, alarming, awing
B5L01T2W18Mmeasure for wind, trending or power
B5L01T2W20無意wúyìVsunintentional, inadvertent
B5L01T2W21威脅wēixiéN/Vthreat, to threaten
B5L01T2W22諷刺fèngcìVto mock, to be sarcastic
B5L01T2W23Vptto come down with, be stricken with, get
B5L01T2W25Advto express contrast with previous sentence
B5L01T2W26閉嘴bìzuǐV-septo shut one's mouth, keep one's mouth shut
B5L01T2W27回應huíyìngV/Nto respond, response
B5L01T2W28傷害shānghàiV/Nto harm, damage; damage
B5L01T2W29破壞pòhuàiVto damage, cause damage to
B5L01T2W30guǎnVto mind, watch (one's behavior, etc.)
B5L01T2W31聰明cōngmíngVssmart, intelligent
B5L01T2W34模糊móhúVsambiguous, vague
B5L01T2W35擅長shànchángVstbe good at, excel at
B5L01T2W37地帶dìdàiNzone, area
B5L01T2W39確定quèdìngVto determine, ascertain
B5L01T2W40個人gèrénNthe individual
B5L01T2W41承擔chéngdānVto take up (responsibility)
B5L01T2W43制定zhìdìngVto formulate, devise (laws)

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.