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Book 3, chapter 7: 我最親的家「人」 My Closest "Family"
loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B3L07T1W01qīnVsclose (as of familial relationship)
B3L07T1W02爺爺yéyeNgrandpa (father's side)
B3L07T1W05jiàoVito bark
B3L07T1W06enPtcan interjection indicating the speaker's agreement
B3L07T1W07奶奶nǎinaiNgrandma (father's side)
B3L07T1W08過世guòshìVpto die, pass away (honorific)
B3L07T1W09領養lǐngyǎngVto adopt
B3L07T1W10zhīMmeasure word for animals
B3L07T1W13Nit (animals)
B3L07T1W15洗澡xǐzǎoV-septo take a bath
B3L07T1W16yǎngVto raise, to keep
B3L07T1W17luànAdvarbitrarily, without rhyme or reason
B3L07T1W18yǎoVto bite
B3L07T1W19Vto hit, beat, smack, slap
B3L07T1W20分手fēnshǒuVpto break up (said of romantic relationships)
B3L07T1W22減輕jiǎnqīngVto reduce
B3L07T1W23sòngVto take to
B3L07T1W24美容院měiróngyuànNbeauty salon
B3L07T1W26主人zhǔrénNmaster, owner
B3L07T1W27相處xiāngchǔVito get along (with), to spend time together
B3L07T1W28shēngVto give birth, to bear
B3L07T1W30單身dānshēnVsto be single
B3L07T1W32意見yìjiànNsuggestion, opinion
B3L07T1W33建立jiànlìVto establish
B3L07T1W34散步sànbùV-septo take a walk
B3L07T1W36真正zhēnzhèngVs-attrreal, true, genuine
B3L07T1W37幸福xìngfúNhappiness, blessing
B3L07T1W38跌倒dié dǎoPhto fall down
B3L07T1W39當成dāngchéngPhto consider, view as, regard
B3L07T1W40忍不住rěn bú zhùPhto be beyond the limits of endurance
B3L07T2W01多元duōyuánVs-attrdiverse, diversified
B3L07T2W02阿姨āyíNaunt (mother's sisters)
B3L07T2W04下班xiàbānV-septo get off work
B3L07T2W05gǎiVcorrect, check (homework)
B3L07T2W06公公gōnggōngNfather-in-law (of a female)
B3L07T2W07quánAdvcompletely, entirely
B3L07T2W08kàoVto depend on, rely on
B3L07T2W09單親dānqīnVs-attrsingle parent
B3L07T2W10貴族guìzúNnobility, aristocrat
B3L07T2W11時代shídàiNperiod, time of
B3L07T2W13zhuīVto go after someone trying to establish a relationship of love, to chase
B3L07T2W16安排ānpáiVto handle, to arrange
B3L07T2W17享受xiǎngshòuVstto enjoy
B3L07T2W18身邊shēnbiānNby one's side
B3L07T2W20同居tóngjūVito live together (as a couple), to cohabit
B3L07T2W21成家chéngjiāVpto set up a family, to marry (from the male's perspective)
B3L07T2W22負擔fùdānVto bear (a burden, responsibility)
B3L07T2W23養家yǎngjiāV-septo support one's family
B3L07T2W25luànVsto be in turmoil, be in chaos
B3L07T2W26教養jiàoyǎngVto raise, bring up, train, educate (one's children)
B3L07T2W27接受jiēshòuVto accept
B3L07T2W28組成zǔchéngVto form
B3L07T2W30因此yīncǐConjtherefore, so
B3L07T2W31完整wánzhěngVscomplete, integral, whole
B3L07T2W32美真Měizhēnfemale person's name Name
B3L07T2W33家華Jiāhuámale person's name Name
B3L07T2W34風雲人物fēngyún rénwùPhmover and shaker, popular and influential person
B3L07T2W35下決心xià juéxīnPhto resolve oneself, make up one's mind (to do something)

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