jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

Textook 1 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 2 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 3 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 4 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 5 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Textook 6 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B6L04T1W0做人zuòrénVito conduct oneself, to behave
B6L04T1W0心法xīnfǎNmental cultivation methods
B6L04T1W0談論tánlùnVto discuss, to talk about
B6L04T1W0真誠zhēnchéngVssincere, sincerity
B6L04T1W0讚美zànměiV/Nto praise; praise
B6L04T1W0親和力qīnhélìNlikeability, affinity
B6L04T1W0Det(literary) this, these
B6L04T1W0祕訣mìjuéNsecret (of success)
B6L04T1W0拉近距離lājìn jùlíPhconnect with, get to know better, bring people closer together, close the gap between people
B6L04T1W01傳授chuánshòuVto impart, to pass on knowledge
B6L04T1W02獨門dúménVs-attrunique, special, (below) business without competitors
B6L04T1W04銷售xiāoshòuV/Nto sell; sales
B6L04T1W05暢銷chàngxiāoVsto sell well, best seller
B6L04T1W06謙稱qiānchēngVhumbly refer to oneself, modestly say (about oneself)
B6L04T1W07抱持bàochíVto maintain
B6L04T1W09讀者dúzhěNreader (of books and newspapers)
B6L04T1W10踏出tàchūVtake a step forward
B6L04T1W11悅耳yuè'ěrVspleasant sounding, pleasant to the ears
B6L04T1W13不妨bùfángAdvmight as well, there's no harm in
B6L04T1W14好比hǎobǐVstfor instance, like, such as
B6L04T1W15告別gàobiéVisay goodbye, bid farewell
B6L04T1W17對方duìfāngNthe other party, the other person
B6L04T1W18宴會yànhuìNbanquet, feast
B6L04T1W19自顧自(地)zìgùzì (de)Advonly thinking about yourself, without taking others into consideration
B6L04T1W20jiǎngVto talk, to say, to speak
B6L04T1W22插嘴chāzuǐV-septo interrupt, get a word in edgewise
B6L04T1W23餘地yúdìNroom for, opportunity to
B6L04T1W24以致(於)yǐzhì (yú)Conjso that, as a result
B6L04T1W25同桌tóngzhuōVito sit at the same table
B6L04T1W26罰站fázhànV-septo be punished by being made to stand
B6L04T1W27聽教tīngjiàoVito listen (somebody's "preaching", advice, etc.), be read the riot act
B6L04T1W28似地sìdePtcas if, like
B6L04T1W30一吐為快yìtǔ wéikuàiIdspit it out, get something off your chest, here: speak without hesitation, speak your fill
B6L04T1W31提問tíwènVito ask a question
B6L04T1WT黑幼龍Hēi YòulóngJohn Hei (the Greater China Group Leader of Carnegie training, who introduced Carnegie training to Taiwan in 1987, 1940-) Name
B6L04T1WT卡內基KǎnèijīDale Carnegie (an American writer and lecturer and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking, and interpersonal skills, 1888-1955) Name
B6L04T2W01心坎xīnkǎnNfrom the bottom of one's heart, one's heart of hearts
B6L04T2W02本質běnzhíNnature, real self
B6L04T2W03驅策qūcèVto drive
B6L04T2W04深切shēnqièVsdeep, heartfelt
B6L04T2W05真心zhēnxīnAdvgenuinely, sincerely
B6L04T2W06可想而知kěxiǎng érzhīIdas you can easily imagine
B6L04T2W07人緣rényuánNinterpersonal popularity
B6L04T2W08命中mìngzhòngVptto hit (the mark)
B6L04T2W11性格xìnggéNcharacter, personality
B6L04T2W12愛心àixīnNcompassion, loving heart
B6L04T2W13口香糖kǒuxiāngtángNgum, chewing gum
B6L04T2W14力道lìdàoNstrength, power
B6L04T2W15發自fāzìVstoriginate from, from, s/t finds its source in
B6L04T2W16企圖qìtúNulterior motives
B6L04T2W17失效shīxiàoVpto produce no results, to become invalid
B6L04T2W19責任感zérèngǎnNsense of responsibility
B6L04T2W21拜託bàituōVplease, I beg you
B6L04T2W22別有居心biéyǒu jūxīnIdto have ulterior motives, have a less than respectable agenda
B6L04T2W23適得其反shìdé qífǎnIdto have unintended results, backfire, be counterproductive
B6L04T2W24小看xiǎokànVstto belittle, to look down on, to underestimate
B6L04T2W25威力wēilìNpower, force
B6L04T2W26Vto give, to bestow with (classical Chinese)
B6L04T2W27深刻shēnkèVsdeep, profound
B6L04T2W28互動hùdòngVito interact
B6L04T2W29定下dìngxiàVto commit to, to establish
B6L04T2W30贏得yíngdéVptto win over
B6L04T2W31藉著jièzhePrepby means of, relying on
B6L04T2W32驅動力qūdònglìNdriving force
B6L04T2WT威廉.詹姆士Wēilián ZhānmǔshìWilliam James (an American philosopher and psychologist, and one of the leading thinkers of the late nineteenth century, while others have labeled him the "Father of American psychology", 1842-1910) Name
B6L04T2WT艾森豪ÀisēnháoDwight D. Eisenhower (the 34th President of the United States from 1953 to 1961, 1890-1969) Name
B6L04T3W01機緣jīyuánNconnections to great opportunities
B6L04T3W02飯店fàndiànNhotel (modern, especially in Taiwan)
B6L04T3W03shēnVto extend, stretch
B6L04T3W04名片míngpiànNbusiness card
B6L04T3W05zhèngAdvjust, exactly
B6L04T3W06夢寐以求mèngmèi yǐqiúIddream (as in 'a dream job')
B6L04T3W07直覺(地)zhíjué (de)Advintuitively
B6L04T3W08淡季dànjìNlow season, off season
B6L04T3W09吃了一驚chīle yìjīngPhbe greatly surprised, taken aback, caught off guard
B6L04T3W10忠誠zhōngchéngVs/Nfaithful; faithfulness, fidelity
B6L04T3W11跳槽tiàocáoVito change jobs, go job-hopping
B6L04T3W12等候děnghòuVwait, wait for (formal)

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.