jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

Textook 1 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 2 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 3 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 4 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 5 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Textook 6 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B5L05T1W0代理孕母dàilǐ yùnmǔPhsurrogate mother
B5L05T1W0案例ànlìNcase, instance
B5L05T1W0míngMmeasure for people (formal)
B5L05T1W0同志tóngzhìNhomosexual, gay
B5L05T1W0心願xīnyuànNwish, heart's desire
B5L05T1W0自願zìyuànVauxto volunteer, out of one's own wish
B5L05T1W0duìMmeasure for things or people that come in matching pairs
B5L05T1W0委託wěituōV/Nto commission, to charge with; commission
B5L05T1W0龍鳳胎lóngfèng tāiPhtwins (one boy and one girl)
B5L05T1W0遺棄yíqìVto abandon, desert
B5L05T1W0缺陷quēxiànNdefect, imperfection
B5L05T1W0rènMmeasure for terms (e.g., first term as president)
B5L05T1W0懷孕huáiyùnVp-septo be pregnant
B5L05T1W0毛遂自薦máosuì zìjiànIdvolunteer one's services, recommend oneself
B5L05T1W0日新月異rìxīn yuèyìIdto advance with each passing day
B5L05T1W0整合zhěnghéVto integrate
B5L05T1W0合法化héfǎhuàVpto legalize
B5L05T1W0需求xūqiúNdemand, need, requirements
B5L05T1W0一線希望yíxiàn xīwàngIda ray of hope, minimal possibility
B5L05T1W01看似kànsìVstseemingly, look like, seem
B5L05T1W02費盡fèijìnVto take great pains to, exert great effort to
B5L05T1W03千辛萬苦qiānxīn wànkǔIduntold hardships, innumerable trials and tribulations
B5L05T1W04因素yīnsùNfactor, element
B5L05T1W05jiēAdvall (same as 都 but formal)
B5L05T1W06承受chéngshòuVto bear, withstand, put up with
B5L05T1W07不得已bùdéyǐVsto have no choice but to, to be forced to, have to
B5L05T1W08代孕dàiyùnVito surrogate, to perform surrogacy
B5L05T1W09婚外情hūnwàiqíngNextramarital affair
B5L05T1W10破碎pòsuìVsto break, shatter
B5L05T1W12雙方shuāngfāngNboth parties
B5L05T1W13渴望kěwàngN/Vstlonging, yearning; to long for, yearn for
B5L05T1W14供需gōngxūNsupply and demand
B5L05T1W15利人利己lìrén lìjǐIdbenefit both oneself and others
B5L05T1W17反觀fǎnguānVlooking back on, contrasting this with, when we reflect on
B5L05T1W18連續liánxùAdvcontinuously, in a row, successively
B5L05T1W19排名páimíngVstto rank
B5L05T1W20倒數dàoshǔVs-attrcounting backward, from the end, from the bottom of the list (in English, 倒數第二名 can be translated "second worst/lowest/least")
B5L05T1W21始終shǐzhōngAdvall the while, all along, invariably
B5L05T1W22忽視hūshìVto ignore, neglect, overlook
B5L05T1W23夫妻fūqīNhusband and wife, married couple
B5L05T1W24協助xiézhùVto assist
B5L05T1W25長輩zhǎngbèiNelder, one's superior
B5L05T1W26忍受rěnshòuVstto endure, suffer
B5L05T1W27如願rúyuànVs-sepas one hopes, as one wishes
B5L05T1W28自主權zìzhǔquánNright to make one's own decisions, autonomy
B5L05T2W01固然gùránAdvgranted, certainly, while it is definitely true that
B5L05T2W02交易jiāoyìVito trade, transact, carry out a transaction
B5L05T2W03shǔVstto belong to, be part of (a category)
B5L05T2W04族群zúqúnNgroup of people (e.g., ethnic group, disadvantaged group)
B5L05T2W05等於děngyúVsttantamount to, equal to
B5L05T2W06階級jiējíNclass (in society)
B5L05T2W09性別xìngbiéNsex, gender
B5L05T2W10抽菸chōuyānPhto smoke a cigarette
B5L05T2W12不良bùliángVs-attrharmful, bad
B5L05T2W13分離fēnlíVito be separated from
B5L05T2W14契約qìyuēNcontract, agreement
B5L05T2W15仲介zhòngjièNintermediary, agent, middleman
B5L05T2W17涉及shèjíVstto involve, relate to
B5L05T2W18規範guīfànV/Nto regulate, standardize; standard
B5L05T2W19黑白不分hēibái bùfēnIdcannot tell truth from non-truth
B5L05T2W20是非不明shìfēi bùmíngIdcannot tell truth from non-truth
B5L05T2W21紛紛fēnfēnAdvone after another, in succession
B5L05T2W23搞定gǎodìngVto have it resolved
B5L05T2W24獨一無二dúyī wú'èrIdunique, one of a kind
B5L05T2W25總之zǒngzhīAdvto sum it up, in short, in conclusion

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.