jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

Textook 1 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 2 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 3 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 4 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 5 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Textook 6 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B4L12T1W01王安康Wáng ĀnkāngWang Ankang, male Character Name
B4L12T1W02張定能Zhāng DìngnéngZhang Dingneng, male Character Name
B4L12T1W03美好měihǎoVswonderful, beautiful
B4L12T1W04當選dāngxuǎnVptto be elected to an office
B4L12T1W05無所謂wúsuǒwèiVsI don't care; does not bother me
B4L12T1W07化學huàxuéNchemical, chemistry
B4L12T1W10修改xiūgǎiVto amend
B4L12T1W11法規fǎguīNlaws and regulations, statutes
B4L12T1W12安養ānyǎngNto care for, to provide nursing care to all people
B4L12T1W13河川héchuānNriver and stream
B4L12T1W14脫離tuōlíVptto separate oneself from, break away from
B4L12T1W16領域lǐngyùNarea (of study, etc.), (here) walk of life
B4L12T1W17竟然jìngránAdvunexpectedly, surprisingly
B4L12T1W19保障bǎozhàngN/Vsecurity (e.g., job security), to guarantee
B4L12T1W20特權tèquánNspecial privileges
B4L12T1W21把持bǎchíVto control
B4L12T1W22監督jiāndūVto oversee, monitor, supervise
B4L12T1W23罷免bàmiǎnVto recall, remove from office
B4L12T1W24quánNpower, authority
B4L12T1W25廉能liánnéngVsclean and capable
B4L12T1W26富足fùzúVsaffluent, abundant
B4L12T1W27在乎zàihūVstto care about
B4L12T1W29財產cáichǎnNproperty, assets
B4L12T1W31選戰xuǎnzhànN(election) campaign
B4L12T1W32承諾chéngnuòN/Vpromise; to promise
B4L12T1W33帶領dàilǐngVto lead
B4L12T1W35擺脫bǎituōVto rid of
B4L12T1W36困境kùnjìngNdire situation, straits
B4L12T1W37房地產fángdìchǎnPhreal estate
B4L12T1W38小自…大至…xiǎo zì...dà zhì...Phfrom such trivialities to such major concerns (自, from (formal); 至, to (formal))
B4L12T1W39是否shìfǒuPhwhether or not
B4L12T1W40照理說zhào lǐ shuōPhnormally
B4L12T1W41政治人物zhèngzhì rénwùPhpoliticians
B4L12T1W42受苦shòu kǔPhsuffering
B4L12T2W01富裕fùyùVsrich, affluent
B4L12T2W02貪汙tānwūVpto graft, to demand
B4L12T2W04政爭zhèngzhēngNpolitical infighting
B4L12T2W05停滯tíngzhìVpto stagnate, stall
B4L12T2W06上升shàngshēngVpto rise
B4L12T2W08遊民yóumínNstreet people, the homeless
B4L12T2W09外界wàijièNthe outside world
B4L12T2W10悲慘bēicǎnVsmiserable, tragic
B4L12T2W11日子rìziNdays, life
B4L12T2W12如此rúcǐAdvsuch, so
B4L12T2W17階層jiēcéngNclass hierarchy (in society)
B4L12T2W19阻止zǔzhǐVto prevent, block
B4L12T2W21無論wúlùnConjno matter, regardless
B4L12T2W22明明míngmíngAdvclearly, obviously
B4L12T2W24Vto care about
B4L12T2W25自身zìshēnNone's own
B4L12T2W27縱容zòngróngVto condone, tolerate
B4L12T2W28使得shǐdeVstto make, to cause
B4L12T2W30密集mìjíVscrowded with high density of
B4L12T2W31遭受zāoshòuVstto suffer from, be subjected to
B4L12T2W33老人年金lǎorén niánjīnannuity payment for senior citizens (provided by The National Pension Program in Taiwan) Name
B4L12T2W34無家可歸wújiā kěguīPhhomeless, no home to go back to
B4L12T2W35以…為…yǐ...wéi...Phtaking... as... (formal)
B4L12T2W36漠不關心mòbù guānxīnPhindifferent
B4L12T2W37發言權fāyán quánPhright to speak, (here) a voice (in politics, etc.)
B4L12T2W38影響力yǐngxiǎng lìPhinfluence
B4L12T2W39官商勾結guānshāng gōujiéPhcollusion between politicians and business people
B4L12T2W40貧富懸殊pínfù xuánshūPha huge gap between the rich and the poor
B4L12T2W41息息相關xíxí xiāngguānPhinextricably related to

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.