jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

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Textook 4 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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Textook 6 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B6L01T1W0職校zhíxiàoNvocational school
B6L01T1W0技職jìzhíNtechnical and vocational career
B6L01T1W0成功之處chénggōng zhīchùPhwhere it has been successful, achievement
B6L01T1W0高等gāoděngVs-attradvanced, higher (education)
B6L01T1W0緊密jǐnmìVstight, close
B6L01T1W0連結liánjiéN/Vlinking; to link
B6L01T1W0典範diǎnfànNparagon, model, example
B6L01T1W01放眼fàngyǎnVlooking to, looking toward
B6L01T1W02出版chūbǎnVto publish
B6L01T1W03總要zǒngyàoVauxto have to
B6L01T1W04嚴陣以待yánzhèn yǐdàiIdbe ready for, be standing by, lit. wait in full battle array
B6L01T1W05直言zhíyánVto speak bluntly, to state outright
B6L01T1W06分析fēnxīVto analyze
B6L01T1W07身為shēnwéiVstas, in the capacity of
B6L01T1W09一技在身yíjì zàishēnIdto have a skill
B6L01T1W10點出diǎnchūVto point out
B6L01T1W11比比皆是bìbì jiēshìIdbe ubiquitous, everywhere, very common
B6L01T1W13製造業zhìzàoyèNmanufacturing industry (製造, zhìzào, V, manufacturing; -業, -yè, N, industry)
B6L01T1W14上工shànggōngVito start work, to work independently without supervision
B6L01T1W15關鍵guānjiànNthe key to, key
B6L01T1W17中、小型企業zhōng, xiǎo xíng qìyèPhsmall and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
B6L01T1W18投入tóurùVto invest, to throw oneself into, carried away with
B6L01T1W19研發yánfāVto research and develop, research and development, R&D
B6L01T1W20聘請pìnqǐngVto hire, to employ
B6L01T1W21高階gāojiēVs-attrhigh level, advanced
B6L01T1W22人才réncáiNtalent, people with specialized skills
B6L01T1W23升級shēngjíVto upgrade, to advance, to promote
B6L01T1WT瑞士RuìshìSwitzerland Name
B6L01T1WT洛桑管理學院Luòsāng guǎnlǐ xuéyuànLausanne Institute (for Management Development) Name
B6L01T1WT葛瑞里GěruìlǐGarelli Name
B6L01T1WT奧地利ÀodìlìAustria Name
B6L01T1WT瑞典RuìdiǎnSweden Name
B6L01T2W01提到tídàoVto mention, to bring up
B6L01T2W03Advthe more... (the more)
B6L01T2W04年度niándùNyear, annual
B6L01T2W05評比píngbǐNrating, ranking, assessment
B6L01T2W08經濟體jīngjìtǐNeconomic entity, economy
B6L01T2W09進修jìnxiūVito pursue further studies
B6L01T2W10逐年zhúniánAdvon a yearly basis, yearly, by the year
B6L01T2W11公投gōngtóuVi/Nto cast ballots on a referendum; referendum
B6L01T2W12轉向zhuǎnxiàngVto shift, change directions
B6L01T2W13自限zìxiànVito limit oneself to, confine oneself to
B6L01T2W14當初dāngchūAdvat first, initially
B6L01T2W15迫使pòshǐVto force into
B6L01T2W16wàiNoutward, external, foreign, to the outside (formal)
B6L01T2W17高度gāodùAdvhighly, to a great extent
B6L01T2W18仰賴yǎnglàiVstto rely on, to depend on
B6L01T2W19衰敗shuāibàiVsto decline, deteriorate
B6L01T2W20保有bǎoyǒuVstto retain, to maintain
B6L01T2W21創新chuàngxīnVito innovate
B6L01T2W22低價dījiàNlow price, discount
B6L01T2W23傾銷qīngxiāoVto dump (products)
B6L01T2W24消滅xiāomièVto be eliminated, displaced
B6L01T2WT俄國ÉguóRussia Name
B6L01T2WT巴西BāxīBrazil Name
B6L01T2WT非洲FēizhōuAfrica Name
B6L01T2WT拉丁美洲Lādīng MěizhōuLatin America Name
B6L01T3W02五金wǔjīnNhardware (as in a hardware store and things found in a hardware store)
B6L01T3W05稱為chēngwéiVto be called
B6L01T3W06精品jīngpǐnNquality product
B6L01T3W09高工gāogōngNvocational high school
B6L01T3W10黑手hēishǒuNwork (that gets your hands dirty, like car mechanic)
B6L01T3W11起家qǐjiāVimake one's fortune
B6L01T3W12奮鬥(史)fèndòu (shǐ)Viwork hard, struggle; -史, -shǐ, N, history
B6L01T3W13營業額yíngyè'éNturnover, business volume
B6L01T3WT教部(=教育部)Jiāobù (= Jiāoyùbù)Ministry of Education Name
B6L01T3WT曾信哲Zēng XìnzhéMark Tseng (the chairman of ARITEX, specializes in the manufacturing of hardware accessories for luxury yachts) Name
B6L01T3WT屏東PíngdōngPingtung, southern Taiwan Name
B6L01T3WT九如JiǔrúJiuru, a village in Pingtung Name

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.