jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

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Book 3, chapter 9: 綱購時代 The Age of Online Shopping
loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B3L09T1W01訂單dìngdānNan order (trading)
B3L09T1W02客戶kèhùNcustomer, client
B3L09T1W03方便fāngbiànVto offer convenience
B3L09T1W04訂購dìnggòuVto order, place an order
B3L09T1W05成立chénglìVto establish, set up
B3L09T1W07販賣fànmàiVto sell
B3L09T1W08阿嬤āmàNgrandma, older woman (Taiwanese)
B3L09T1W09中間商zhōngjiānshāngNmiddleman, reseller
B3L09T1W10經營jīngyíngVto operate, run (a business)
B3L09T1W11宅配zháipèiViexpress delivery
B3L09T1W12xiàVto place (an order)
B3L09T1W13Advnot merely
B3L09T1W15搜尋sōuxúnVto search
B3L09T1W16冰箱bīngxiāngNrefrigerator (lit. ice box)
B3L09T1W17吃虧chīkuīVs-septo suffer a loss
B3L09T1W18比價bǐjiàV-septo compare prices, price comparison
B3L09T1W21必須bìxūVauxmust, to have to
B3L09T1W23萬一wànyīConjin case
B3L09T1W26普遍pǔbiànVswidespread, common
B3L09T1W27選擇xuǎnzéVto choose
B3L09T1W28網購wǎng gòuPhonline shopping
B3L09T1W29貨比三家不吃虧huò bǐ sān jiā bù chīkuīPhshop around and you won't get ripped off (lit. Compare products at three stores and you won't be cheated.)
B3L09T1W30兩成liǎng chéngPh20%, literally 2/10
B3L09T2W02農產品nóngchǎnpǐnNagricultural product
B3L09T2W03出口chūkǒuVto export
B3L09T2W04曾經céngjīngAdvbeen the case before, once
B3L09T2W05zhànVstto constitute, to account for
B3L09T2W08競爭jìngzhēngVito compete against
B3L09T2W09好運hǎoyùnNgood luck
B3L09T2W10內餡nèixiànNfilling (of pastries etc.)
B3L09T2W11當做dāngzuòVto treat as, to serve as
B3L09T2W12喜餅xǐbǐngNwedding-announcement pastries
B3L09T2W13喜愛xǐ'àiVstfond of
B3L09T2W14茶點chádiǎnNsnacks, dessert (served with tea)
B3L09T2W15商機shāngjīNbusiness opportunity
B3L09T2W16代表dàibiǎoVto represent
B3L09T2W18舉辦jǔbànVto organize, hold
B3L09T2W19產值chǎnzhíNproduction value, output
B3L09T2W20提高tígāoVto increase, to elevate
B3L09T2W21知名zhīmíngVswell known, renowned
B3L09T2W22出現chūxiànVpto appear
B3L09T2W24(台)斤(Tái) jīnMcatty, a unit of measure in Taiwan, equivalent to 600 grams
B3L09T2W25叔叔shúshuNuncle (father's younger brother)
B3L09T2W27結果jiéguǒAdvas a result
B3L09T2W28購買gòumǎiVto purchase
B3L09T2W29改善gǎishànVto improve
B3L09T2W31行銷xíngxiāoVto market
B3L09T2W32團購tuángòuVto group buy (for cheaper prices)
B3L09T2W35閩南語MǐnnányǔSouthern Min dialect, i.e., Taiwanese Name
B3L09T2W36旺來wàngláiSouthern Min sound for pineapple, lit. "abundance comes" Name
B3L09T2W37東京DōngjīngTokyo Name
B3L09T2W38鳳梨酥fènglí sūPhpineapple shortcake
B3L09T2W39第二位dì èr wèiPhsecond (place)
B3L09T2W40鳳梨農fènglí nóngPhpineapple farmer

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