jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

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B6L09T1W0鄉關何處xiāngguān héchùPhWhere is home? (lit.) Where is the road to my hometown?
B6L09T1W0開啟kāiqǐVto open up, to unlock
B6L09T1W0浪遊làngyóuVito be wandering, roaming
B6L09T1W0泰半tàibànDetmost, the majority of (泰=大)
B6L09T1W0安身ānshēnVito call home, to settle down
B6L09T1W0念頭niàntouNidea, desire
B6L09T1W0前提qiántíNcondition, precondition, prerequisite
B6L09T1W01遠行yuǎnxíngVito take a long trip, go on a long journey
B6L09T1W02山洞shāndòngN(mountain) cave
B6L09T1W03姑媽gūmāNaunt (on one's father's side)
B6L09T1W04自助餐zìzhùcānNcafeteria style restaurant
B6L09T1W05寄宿生jìsùshēngNstudent who lives on campus, student who lives in a campus dormitory
B6L09T1W06爛漫lànmànVsbrilliant, colorful
B6L09T1W07年歲niánsuìNthe years, age
B6L09T1W09他鄉tāxiāngNa strange land, a place far from home
B6L09T1W10異地yìdìNa place other than one's own hometown
B6L09T1W11腳步jiǎobùNfootstep, pace, approaching
B6L09T1W12算計suànjìVito calculate, to count
B6L09T1W13飄泊piāobóVito drift aimlessly
B6L09T1W15居留jūliúVito reside
B6L09T1W16來日láirìNdays ahead, time ahead
B6L09T1W17認定rèndìngVto be committed to
B6L09T1W18形態xíngtàiNway of, status quo
B6L09T1W19彷彿fǎngfúVstto seem, as if
B6L09T1W20旅程lǚchéngNtrip, journey
B6L09T1W21前移qiányíVito move (forward)
B6L09T1W22邁進màijìnVito take a step forward
B6L09T1W23不巧bùqiǎoVsby unfortunate coincidence, unfortunately
B6L09T1W24派駐pàizhùVto be stationed at, to be assigned to
B6L09T1W25流轉liúzhuǎnVito flow (time, etc.), to go back and forth between, to shuttle between
B6L09T1W26之類zhīlèiNand the like, and what not
B6L09T1W27度假dùjiàV-septo vacation, spend one's holiday
B6L09T1W28居所jūsuǒNliving place, residence
B6L09T1W29恆常不變héngcháng búbiànIdunchanging, permanent
B6L09T1W31養老yǎnglǎoVito care for in one's old age, to live out one's retirement or old age
B6L09T1W32愕然èránVsstunned, astounded, taken aback
B6L09T1W33驚醒jīngxǐngVpto frighten awake, to jolt awake, to wake with a start
B6L09T1W35失根shīgēnVp-septo lose one's roots
B6L09T1W36理所當然lǐsuǒ dāngránIdtake as a matter of course, take for granted, naturally think of as
B6L09T1W37依舊yījiùAdvstill the same, as ever, as before
B6L09T1W38碧綠bìlǜVsdark green, verdant
B6L09T1W39寧靜níngjìngVspeaceful, serene
B6L09T1W41落地窗luòdìchuāngNFrench window
B6L09T1W42望見wàngjiànVto see
B6L09T1W43星空xīngkōngNstarry sky
B6L09T1W48嬉戲xīxìVito play (like children)
B6L09T1W49具體jùtǐVsconcrete, in actual fact
B6L09T1WT基隆JīlóngKeelung (the city of northern Taiwan) Name
B6L09T1WT亞力山大YǎlìshāndàAlexander (name of a man) Name
B6L09T2W01地道dìdàoVsauthentic, genuine
B6L09T2W02華裔HuáyìNforeign citizens of Chinese ancestry
B6L09T2W03混血hùnxiěVs-attrmixed blood, mixed race
B6L09T2W04Vstto be
B6L09T2W05諸多zhūduōVs-attrmany, numerous
B6L09T2W07身世shēnshìNone's origins, personal background
B6L09T2W09追究zhuījiùVto investigate, to track
B6L09T2W11公民gōngmínNcitizen, (below) referendum (lit. vote by the citizens)
B6L09T2W12屬意shǔyìVs-attrto have one's heart set on, to be partial to
B6L09T2W13景致jǐngzhìNview, landscape, scenery
B6L09T2W14門牌ménpáiNdoorplate (house number)
B6L09T2W15心愛xīn'àiVs-attrbeloved, treasured
B6L09T2W16家當jiādàngNproperty, family possessions
B6L09T2W17家用jiāyòngNhousehold things, household
B6L09T2W18安放ānfàngVto place
B6L09T2W19平日píngrìNeveryday, from day to day
B6L09T2W20收集shōujíVto collect, to gather
B6L09T2W23盆景pénjǐngNpotted plant, bonsai
B6L09T2W24不離不棄bùlí búqìIdever-present, beloved
B6L09T2W26熱騰騰rètēngtēngPhpiping hot, steaming hot
B6L09T2W28普洱pǔ'ěrNpu'er (fermented tea from Yunnan, China)
B6L09T2W29xiáVto drink (literary)
B6L09T2W30安家ānjiāVito set up one's home, to settle down, to settle in
B6L09T2W31比如bǐrúVstfor example, for instance, like
B6L09T2W32氣候宜人qìhòu yírénPhpleasant climate
B6L09T2W34所在suǒzàiNlocation, where (something is at), (below) where you find
B6L09T2W35體貼tǐtiēVsconsiderate, thoughtful, loving
B6L09T2W36破敗pòbàiVstorn, ruined, dilapidated
B6L09T2W38Mmeasure for paintings
B6L09T2W39天長地久tiāncháng dìjiǔIdforever, here: enduring, everlasting, eternal
B6L09T2W40羈旅jīlǚVistay long in a strange place

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.