jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

Textook 1 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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Textook 3 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 4 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 5 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Textook 6 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B6L07T1W0膨脹péngzhàngVsto puff up, to swell up, self-complacent
B6L07T1W0面貌miànmàoNface, real nature of things
B6L07T1W0醒悟xǐngwùVpto come to one's senses, to wake up (to reality), awakening
B6L07T1W0體會tǐhuìVstto know from experience, to truly understand
B6L07T1W0苦澀kǔsèVs/Nbitter; bitterness
B6L07T1W01情敵qíngdíNrival in love
B6L07T1W02我行我素wǒxíng wǒsùIddo things your own way
B6L07T1W03未婚wèihūnVsunmarried, single
B6L07T1W04立志lìzhìVito determine to become, to resolve to become, to aspire to be
B6L07T1W05志向zhìxiàngNaspiration, ambition
B6L07T1W06減肥jiǎnféiVito lose weight, weight-loss, on a diet
B6L07T1W07chēngVipush yourself, last
B6L07T1W08定下來dìngxiàláiPhto settle down
B6L07T1W09殘酷cánkùVscruel, brutal
B6L07T1W10當下dāngxiàNat a time when
B6L07T1W11重來chóngláiVito redo, to relive, to start over
B6L07T1W12鬼東西guǐdōngxiPhdarn thing
B6L07T1W13俊男美女jùnnán měinǚPhgood-looking man and/or woman
B6L07T1W14歡喜huānxǐNhappiness, joy
B6L07T1W15悲傷bēishāngNsadness, sorrow
B6L07T1W16激發出來jīfā chūláiPhinspired by, stirred up by, aroused by
B6L07T1W17發福fāfúVpto put on weight
B6L07T1W18想幹嘛就幹嘛xiǎng gànma jiù gànmaPhto do what you want, to be self-indulgent
B6L07T1W19gànVito do, to engage in, to undertake
B6L07T1W20無趣wúqùVsboring, dull, vapid
B6L07T1W21斟酌zhēnzhuóVto consider, to think about
B6L07T1W22何時héshíNwhen, whenever
B6L07T1W23閃人shǎnrénVito leave, to escape, to get out of the way
B6L07T1W25忠於zhōngyúVstto be faithful to
B6L07T1W26萎縮wěisuōVsto shrink
B6L07T1W27當頭棒喝dāngtóu bànghèIdgive a sharp warning, give a wakeup call, wake you up
B6L07T1W28自以為是zìyǐ wéishìIdbe full of yourself, opinionated, self-righteous
B6L07T1W29幹嘛gànmaAdvWhatever for?
B6L07T1W30破綻pòzhànNflaw, hole (in logic, etc.), fault
B6L07T1W31德性déxìngNyour true (negative) self, look at yourself!
B6L07T1W33私生子sīshēngzǐNillegitimate child, child born out of wedlock, love child
B6L07T1W34縱使zòngshǐConjeven though, even if
B6L07T1W35自詡zìxǔVito brag that you are
B6L07T1W37知識份子zhīshì fènzǐPhintellectual, learned person
B6L07T1W38留洋liúyángV-septo study abroad
B6L07T1W39老夫子lǎofūzǐNconservative scholar, i.e., somebody who is stuck in the past intellectually and unwilling to let new things change him/her
B6L07T1W40提早tízǎoAdvearly, ahead of time
B6L07T1W41溫和wēnhéVsgentle, good-natured, mild-mannered
B6L07T1W42幹架gànjiàV-septo fight with, to quarrel with
B6L07T1W43逼出bīchūVto force out, to realize
B6L07T1W45邪惡xié'èVsevil, bad
B6L07T1W46發揮fāhuīVto instigate, to implement, to promote
B6L07T1W47極致jízhìNto the utmost
B6L07T2W01晚婚wǎnhūnNlate marriage
B6L07T2W02直到zhídàoPrepuntil, up to, to date
B6L07T2W03心儀xīnyíVstto be attracted
B6L07T2W04表白biǎobáiVito confess (one's love)
B6L07T2W06動力dònglìNmotivation, impetus
B6L07T2W07軟弱ruǎnruòVsweak, soft, (here) passive
B6L07T2W08共度一生gòngdù yìshēngPhto share entire life together
B6L07T2W09頂多dǐngduōAdvat most
B6L07T2W10半生bànshēngNhalf one's life
B6L07T2W11加碼jiāmǎVito add to the weight of arguments (by listing...)
B6L07T2W12之間zhījiānNin between, among
B6L07T2W13模式móshìNway, mode
B6L07T2W14大腦dànǎoNbrain, cerebrum
B6L07T2W15一片空白yípiàn kòngbáiPha blank, draw a blank (mentally)
B6L07T2W16點點滴滴diǎndiǎn dīdīPhminute details
B6L07T2W17細膩xìnìVsmeticulous, sensitive to detail
B6L07T2W19神經大條shénjīng dàtiáoPh(Tw Mandarin) thick-skinned, insensitive
B6L07T2W20察言觀色cháyán guānsèIdto be attentive to contexts
B6L07T2W21說理shuōlǐVito reason, to rationalize things
B6L07T2W22理性lǐxìngVsrational, logical
B6L07T2W23不由自主bùyóu zìzhǔIdcannot help but (do s/t), involuntarily
B6L07T2W25長篇大論chángpiān dàlùnIdlong-winded speech, lengthy lecture
B6L07T2W27Advsoon, immediately
B6L07T2W28漫不經心mànbù jīngxīnIdinattentive, "not all there"
B6L07T2W29忘記wàngjìVptto forget
B6L07T2W30不守信用bùshǒu xìnyòngPhbreak your word, untrustworthy, go back on your word
B6L07T2W31說話不算話shuōhuà bú suànhuàPhto not keep your word, your word means nothing
B6L07T2W33拐彎抹角guǎiwān mòjiǎoIdto beat around the bush, equivocate, evade, not be direct
B6L07T2W34語病yǔbìngNfaulty wording, bad choice of words
B6L07T2W35字面zìmiànNliteral meaning, surface
B6L07T2W36爭辯不休zhēngbiàn bùxiūPhto quarrel incessantly
B6L07T2W38微妙wéimiàoVstricky, delicate (situations, etc.)
B6L07T2W39親身qīnshēnAdvpersonally, first-hand
B6L07T2W40共同點gòngtóngdiǎnNcommon point, something in common, common ground

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.