jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

Textook 1 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 2 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 3 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 4 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 5 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Textook 6 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Book 1, chapter 3: 週末做什麼? What Are You Doing Over the Weekend?
loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B1L03T1W02tīngVto listen
B1L03T1W04運動yùndòngVito exercise
B1L03T1W05Vto play (ball games)
B1L03T1W08hànConjand, as well as
B1L03T1W09游泳yóuyǒngV-septo swim
B1L03T1W13Vto kick
B1L03T1W15覺得juédeVstto feel, to think
B1L03T1W16好玩hǎowánVsinteresting, fun
B1L03T1W19Vto go
B1L03T1W20怎麼樣zěnmeyàngVsHow about it? How does that sound? What do you think?
B1L03T1W21aPtcsentence-final particle
B1L03T1W22做什麼zuò shénmePhdo what
B1L03T1W23好啊hǎo aPhOK
B1L03T2W01白如玉Bái Rúyùa woman from the US Character Name
B1L03T2W03晚上wǎnshàngNevening, night
B1L03T2W04kànVto see, to watch
B1L03T2W06Nyou (female)
B1L03T2W07xiǎngVauxto want, to think
B1L03T2W08還是háishìConjor (used in a question)
B1L03T2W09baPtcsentence-final particle for suggestion
B1L03T2W10可以kěyǐVauxcould (possibility)
B1L03T2W11xuéVto learn, to study
B1L03T2W12中文ZhōngwénNChinese language
B1L03T2W14chīVto eat
B1L03T2W17越南YuènánVietnam Name
B1L03T2W18好不好hǎo bù hǎoPhHow about...? How does that sound?

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.