jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

Textook 1 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 2 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 3 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 4 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 5 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Textook 6 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B6L06T1W0人見人愛rénjiàn rén'àiIdeverybody loves, loved by all
B6L06T1W0征服zhēngfúVto conquer, to subdue, to vanquish
B6L06T1W0促進cùjìnVptto promote
B6L06T1W0友好yǒuhǎoVsfriendly, amicable, cordial
B6L06T1W0使者shǐzhěNenvoy, emissary
B6L06T1W0沾染zhānrǎnVptsoiled with, tainted with, stained with
B6L06T1W0色彩sècǎiNcolors, hues, flavor, character, slant
B6L06T1W0抵制dǐzhìVto boycott
B6L06T1W0繁殖fánzhíVito breed, to reproduce, reproduction
B6L06T1W0名義míngyìNin the capacity of
B6L06T1W0租借zūjièVto lease
B6L06T1W01出訪chūfǎngVto pay an official visit to a friendly foreign country
B6L06T1W02風雲女性fēngyún nǚxìngPhinfluential/important women, used in the phrase "Woman of the Year"
B6L06T1W03全程quánchéngAdvover the entire duration of
B6L06T1W04直播zhíbòVto live broadcast
B6L06T1W05產下chǎnxiàVptto give birth to
B6L06T1W07睜眼zhēngyǎnV-septo open one's eyes
B6L06T1W08登上dēngshàngVptto ascend to (prominence)
B6L06T1W10數位化shùwèihuàVpdigital, to digitize
B6L06T1W11追溯zhuīsùVto trace back to
B6L06T1W12zhìPrepto, up to
B6L06T1W13何時何地héshí hédìPhanytime, anywhere
B6L06T1W14女皇nǚhuángNempress, queen
B6L06T1W15贈送zèngsòngVto give (as a gift)
B6L06T1W16記載jìzàiV/Nto record, to put down in writing, records
B6L06T1W17夫人fūrénNwife of a prominent figure, lady, madam
B6L06T1W18biǎoVto show (gratitude, etc.)
B6L06T1W19救濟jiùjìVto provide relief to, relief
B6L06T1W20謝意xièyìNgratitude, thankfulness, appreciation
B6L06T1W21自此zìcǐAdvfrom then on, thereupon
B6L06T1W22政權zhèngquánNpolitical power, regime
B6L06T1W23Vauxto want to, to wish to, to desire to
B6L06T1W24藉此jiècǐPh(literary) thereby
B6L06T1W25雙邊shuāngbiānVs-attrbilateral, both parties
B6L06T1W27飼養場sìyǎngchǎngNlivestock or poultry farm
B6L06T1W29貨幣huòbìNcurrency, money
B6L06T1W30shèVto establish, to set up
B6L06T1W31Adv(with) each other, mutual (literary)
B6L06T1W32訪問fǎngwènVto visit, to interview; visit, interview
B6L06T1W33領取lǐngqǔVto collect, to receive
B6L06T1W34否決fǒujuéVto veto
B6L06T1W35因而yīn'érConjtherefore, as a result
B6L06T1W36作罷zuòbàVito call it quits
B6L06T1WT甜甜TiántiánTian Tian (貓熊名) Name
B6L06T1WTBBCBBCBritish Broadcasting Corporation Name
B6L06T1WT美香MěixiāngMei Xiang (貓熊名) Name
B6L06T1WT圓仔YuánzǎiYuan Zai (貓熊名) Name
B6L06T1WT唐朝/代Tángcháo/dàiTang Dynasty (618-907) Name
B6L06T1WT武則天WǔzétiānWu Zetian (the only female monarch of China, 624-705) Name
B6L06T1WT天武天皇Tiānwǔ tiānhuángEmperor Temmu (the 40th Emperor of Japan, 631-686) Name
B6L06T1WT宋美齡Sòng MěilíngSoong May-ling (Madame Chiang Kai-shek, 1897-2003) Name
B6L06T1WT中共ZhōnggòngCommunist Party of China (CPC) Name
B6L06T1WT蘇聯Sūliánthe Soviet Union Name
B6L06T1WT北韓BěihánNorth Korea Name
B6L06T1WT邁阿密Mài'āmìMiami Name
B6L06T1WT芝加哥ZhījiāgēChicago Name
B6L06T1WT國務院GuówùyuànState Department (US) Name
B6L06T2W01出租chūzūVto rent, for lease; rental, leasing
B6L06T2W02吸金xījīnVito bring in (revenue)
B6L06T2W03Vto go to (literary)
B6L06T2W04贈與zèngyǔVto give to
B6L06T2W05抵達dǐdáVptto arrive at
B6L06T2W06冒雨màoyǔAdvdespite the rain
B6L06T2W07迎接yíngjiēVto welcome
B6L06T2W08首次shǒucìAdvfor the first time
B6L06T2W09見客jiànkèV-septo meet with guests
B6L06T2W10Vptto reach, up to
B6L06T2W11人次réncìNhead count
B6L06T2W12當局dāngjúNthe authorities
B6L06T2W13宣告xuāngàoVto announce, to declare
B6L06T2W14期間qíjiānNover the course of, whilst
B6L06T2W15為期wéiqíVstlasting a period of, lasting, for a period of
B6L06T2W16巡展xúnzhǎnNexhibition tour
B6L06T2W17租金zūjīnNrental money, leasing fees, rent
B6L06T2W18有利可圖yǒulì kětúIdprofitable, promise to be profitable
B6L06T2W19Ma wave of
B6L06T2W20拉鋸lājùNa see-saw (battle), a close contest
B6L06T2W21可觀kěguānVsconsiderable (amount of), substantial
B6L06T2W22收益shōuyìNearnings, revenue, income
B6L06T2W23林業línyèNforestry, forest industry
B6L06T2W24捕捉bǔzhuōVto catch, to capture
B6L06T2W25野生yěshēngVs-attrwild, feral
B6L06T2W26呼籲hūyùVito call on
B6L06T2W27保育bǎoyùVito conserve, conservation
B6L06T2W28設立shèlìVto set up, to establish
B6L06T2W29進展jìnzhǎnN/Viprogress; to progress
B6L06T2W30近親jìnqīnNclose relatives
B6L06T2W32近年jìnniánNin recent years
B6L06T2W33圈養juànyǎngVs-attrraised in pens
B6L06T2W34野放yěfàngVto release into the wild
B6L06T2W35就算jiùsuànConjeven if
B6L06T2WT尼克森NíkèsēnRichard Nixon (the 37th President of U.S.A, 1913-1994) Name
B6L06T2WT北京BěijīngBeijing Name
B6L06T2WT周恩來Zhōu ĒnláiZhou Enlai (the 1st to 4th prime minister of the People's Republic of China, 1898-1976) Name

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.