jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

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loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B5L02T1W01基改jīgǎiN基 = 基因, 改 = 改造 (see Book 3)
B5L02T1W02農糧nóngliángN農 = 農作物, crop; 糧 = 糧食, food
B5L02T1W03廣播節目guǎngbò jiémùPhbroadcast program
B5L02T1W04主持人zhǔchírénNhost, MC
B5L02T1W05聽眾tīngzhòngNlistening audience, listeners
B5L02T1W06Vto broadcast
B5L02T1W07蟲子chóngziNinsect, bug
B5L02T1W08隔壁gébìNnext door
B5L02T1W09回答huídáVto answer
B5L02T1W10Vpto die
B5L02T1W12危害wéihàiVto harm, be detrimental to, endanger
B5L02T1W13贊成zànchéngVstto approve, in favor
B5L02T1W14各式各樣gèshì gèyàngIdall types of, various kinds of
B5L02T1W15只不過zhǐbúguòPhonly, no more than
B5L02T1W17比如說bǐrú shuōPhfor example
B5L02T1W19蔬果shūguǒNfruits and vegetables
B5L02T1W24豐富fēngfùVsrich (abundant in something)
B5L02T1W25享用xiǎngyòngVto enjoy the use of, enjoy (a meal)
B5L02T1W26達到dádàoVptto reach, obtain
B5L02T1W27預防yùfángVstto prevent, guard against
B5L02T1W28疾病jíbìngNillness, sickness
B5L02T1W29效果xiàoguǒNeffect, results
B5L02T1W30好幾(種)hǎojǐ zhǒngPha number of, quite a few kinds of
B5L02T1W31警告jǐnggàoV/Nto warn, warning
B5L02T1W32突破túpòVptto make a breakthrough, top, break (a record, number)
B5L02T1W33糧食liángshíNfood, foodstuff
B5L02T1W34早晚zǎowǎnAdvsooner or later
B5L02T1W35不僅bùjǐnAdvnot only
B5L02T1W36農作物nóngzuòwùNcrop, produce
B5L02T1W37抵抗力dǐkàng lìNresistance, immunity
B5L02T1W38蟲害chónghàiNdamage by pests
B5L02T1W39產量chǎnliàngNoutput, yield, production
B5L02T1W41含有hányǒuVstto contain, have
B5L02T1W42大豆dàdòuNsoybean, soya
B5L02T1W44密不可分mìbù kěfēnIdinseparable, integrated with
B5L02T1W45生產shēngchǎnVto produce, manufacture
B5L02T1W46缺少quēshǎoVstto be in shortage of
B5L02T1W47依賴yīlàiVstto rely on, depend on
B5L02T1W48進口jìnkǒuVto import
B5L02T1W50生物科技shēngwù kējìPhbio-tech
B5L02T1W51機構jīgòuNorganization, depts. of gov't
B5L02T1W52證據zhèngjùNproof, evidence
B5L02T1W53證明zhèngmíngV/Nto prove; proof
B5L02T1W54人體réntǐNthe human body
B5L02T1W56生長shēngzhǎngVito grow
B5L02T1W57除草劑chúcǎojìNweed killer, herbicide
B5L02T1W58物質wùzhíNmatter, substance
B5L02T1W60原料yuánliàoNraw materials
B5L02T1W62標示biāoshìV/Nto label; mark
B5L02T2W02不孕búyùnVsinfertile, barren
B5L02T2W03罹患líhuànVptto come down with, be stricken with, suffer from
B5L02T2W07不知不覺bùzhī bùjuéIdwithout even realizing it, before you even know it, without one even noticing
B5L02T2W08辨別biànbiéVto distinguish, tell apart
B5L02T2W09安心ānxīnVsto have peace of mind, set one's mind at rest
B5L02T2W10雜誌zázhìNmagazine, journal
B5L02T2W11編輯biānjíVto edit
B5L02T2W12後果hòuguǒNconsequence, result
B5L02T2W14mǒuDetcertain, some
B5L02T2W17收購shōugòuVto acquire, buy out
B5L02T2W18居高不下jūgāo búxiàIdremain high, won't come down
B5L02T2W19絕對juéduìAdvabsolutely, in no way
B5L02T2W20符合fúhéVstto meet with, conform with
B5L02T2W21fēiVstnot (classical Chinese)
B5L02T2W22事實shìshíNfact, truth
B5L02T2W23種植zhòngzhíVto plant, cultivate
B5L02T2W24總用量zǒng yòngliàngPhtotal dosage
B5L02T2W26即便jíbiànConjeven if, despite
B5L02T2W27jiānAdvconcurrently, simultaneously
B5L02T2W28欺騙qīpiànVto deceive, scam, cheat
B5L02T2W29國人guórénN(our) fellow countrymen
B5L02T2W30立法lìfǎV-septo make a law
B5L02T2W31Advso as to, such that
B5L02T2W32維護wéihùVto safeguard, protect
B5L02T2W33神奇shénqíVsmagical, miraculous
B5L02T2W34手段shǒuduànNmeans, measure
B5L02T2W35付出fùchūVto pay (a heavy price for)
B5L02T2W36代價dàijiàN(to pay a heavy) price
B5L02T2W37掌握zhǎngwòVto hold, grasp, control

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.