jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

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Book 2, chapter 8: 學功夫 Leaming Kungfu
loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B2L08T1W01功夫gōngfūNkungfu, martial arts
B2L08T1W02jiàoVto call (for someone's attention)
B2L08T1W03jiànPtcaccomplishment complete (in perception)
B2L08T1W04tuīVto push
B2L08T1W06太極拳tàijíquánNTai Chi, shadow boxing
B2L08T1W07師父shīfùN(kungfu or other skill) master
B2L08T1W08天分tiānfènNgift, talent
B2L08T1W09dǒngVptto understand, to comprehend
B2L08T1W10起來qǐláiVpto wake up
B2L08T1W12qīngVslight, effortless, gentle
B2L08T1W14liǎoPtccapability complement
B2L08T1W15下去xiàqùPtca temporal particle meaning to continue with an action
B2L08T1W17jièVto borrow
B2L08T1W18有天分yǒu tiānfènPhto be gifted, talented
B2L08T1W19學會xué huìPhto learn, to master
B2L08T1W20起不來qǐ bù láiPhcan't get up (from bed)
B2L08T1W21走不了路zǒu bù liǎo lùPhcan't walk
B2L08T2W02抱怨bàoyuànVito complain
B2L08T2W04總是zǒngshìAdvalways, invariably
B2L08T2W05wánPtcphase marker for 'completion', to finish...
B2L08T2W06體力tǐlìNphysical strength
B2L08T2W07整天zhěngtiānNan entire day
B2L08T2W08精神jīngshénNspirit, energy
B2L08T2W10可能kěnéngVauxmaybe, probably
B2L08T2W11huíVto return to
B2L08T2W12影響yǐngxiǎngVto influence, to interfere with
B2L08T2W14liànVto practice, to train, to drill
B2L08T2W15想起xiǎngqǐPhto recall

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.