jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

Textook 1 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 2 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 3 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 4 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 5 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Textook 6 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B5L10T1W01同性tóngxìngVs-attrto be of the same gender
B5L10T1W02主播zhǔbòNnewscaster, anchor
B5L10T1W03記者jìzhěNreporter, journalist, correspondent
B5L10T1W04連線liánxiànVito be online with, be connected with
B5L10T1W05傳達chuándáVto convey
B5L10T1W06陣線zhènxiànNranks, front
B5L10T1W07發起fāqǐVto initiate, launch, start
B5L10T1W08盡快jìnkuàiAdvas soon/quickly as possible
B5L10T1W09同性戀tóngxìngliànNhomosexual, gay
B5L10T1W10異性戀yìxìngliànNheterosexual, straight
B5L10T1W12相愛xiāng'àiVsin love, to love each other
B5L10T1W14伴侶bànlǚNcompanion, mate, partner
B5L10T1W15無關wúguānVsto have nothing to do with, be unrelated
B5L10T1W16打破dǎpòVto break, shatter
B5L10T1W17平權píngquánNequal rights
B5L10T1W18藉由jièyóuPrepthrough, by
B5L10T1W19節稅jiéshuìVito reduce, save on taxes
B5L10T1W20病危bìngwéiVscritically ill
B5L10T1W21簽署qiānshùVto sign
B5L10T1W23彼此bǐcǐNeach other, one another
B5L10T1W26陌生mòshēngVsunacquainted, not mutually known
B5L10T1W27性病xìngbìngNsexually transmitted disease, STD
B5L10T1W28偏見piānjiànNprejudice, bias
B5L10T1W29身上shēnshàngNhimself, themselves
B5L10T1W30異性yìxìngVs-attropposite sex
B5L10T1W31有情人終成眷屬yǒuqíngrén zhōngchéng juànshǔIdthe lovers finally got married, every Jack has his Jill
B5L10T1W32末日mòrìNthe end of the world
B5L10T1W33擴大kuòdàVto expand
B5L10T1W34範圍fànwéiNscope, range, extent
B5L10T1W35心聲xīnshēngNheartfelt wishes, aspirations
B5L10T1W36法案fǎ'ànNbill, act
B5L10T2W01鏡頭jìngtóuNlens, shot, scene
B5L10T2W02聯邦liánbāngNfederal, federation, union
B5L10T2W04Nflag, banner, standard
B5L10T2W05時刻shíkèNmoment (in time)
B5L10T2W06駐外zhùwàiVito be stationed abroad
B5L10T2W07歡慶huānqìngVto celebrate
B5L10T2W08擠進jǐjìnVptto crowd in, squeeze in
B5L10T2W11繁衍fányǎnVto reproduce, propagate
B5L10T2W12尋找xúnzhǎoVto search for, seek
B5L10T2W13交配jiāopèiVito mate, copulate
B5L10T2W14法則fǎzéNlaw (natural, not legal laws)
B5L10T2W15定義dìngyìN/Vdefinition; to define
B5L10T2W16互補hùbǔVsto complement each other
B5L10T2W17組合zǔhéN/Vcombination; to combine
B5L10T2W18全體quántǐNas a whole, whole, entire, overall
B5L10T2W19詞彙cíhuìNword, term, vocabulary
B5L10T2W20稱呼chēnghūV/Nto call; address, name
B5L10T2W21建構jiàngòuVto build, construct
B5L10T2W22革命gémìngN/Virevolution; to have a revolution
B5L10T2W23做為zuòwéiVstto serve as
B5L10T2W24無視wúshìVto disregard, defy
B5L10T2W25干涉gānshèVto interfere
B5L10T2W27納入nàrùVto incorporate, include
B5L10T2W28第三者dìsānzhěPhthird party (i.e., the "other man/woman")
B5L10T2W30無異wúyìVsnot different from, the same as, tantamount to
B5L10T2W34白宮BáigōngNWhite House Name
B5L10T2W35巴黎鐵塔Bālí TiětǎPhEiffel Tower Name
B5L10T2W36打上dǎshàngVto shine up on
B5L10T2W38不容忽視bùróng hūshìIdcannot ignore, should not be ignored
B5L10T2W39有賴yǒulàiVstto depend on, contingent on
B5L10T2W40各界gèjièNall walks of life, the public
B5L10T2W41對話duìhuàVito engage in dialogues
B5L10T2W42激辯jībiànVito engage in robust debate, wrangle
B5L10T2W43交還jiāohuánVto give back to, to return to

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.