jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

Textook 1 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 2 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 3 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 4 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 5 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Textook 6 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Book 1, chapter 15: 我很不舒服 I Don't Feel Well
loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B1L15T1W02一直yìzhíAdvcontinuously, all the way
B1L15T1W03liúVto flow
B1L15T1W04鼻水bíshuǐNsnot, nasal mucus, a running nose
B1L15T1W08chāVspoor, bad
B1L15T1W10發炎fāyánVp-septo be inflamed
B1L15T1W11生病shēngbìngVp-septo fall ill
B1L15T1W12發燒fāshāoVp-septo have a fever
B1L15T1W13感冒gǎnmàoVpto catch/have a cold
B1L15T1W15藥局yàojúNpharmacy, drug store
B1L15T1W16Vto get
B1L15T1W17Ptcdisposal marker
B1L15T1W19休息xiūxíVito take a rest
B1L15T1W20睡覺shuìjiàoV-septo sleep
B1L15T1W21早一點zǎo yìdiǎnPha bit earlier
B1L15T2W01臉色liǎnsèNa person's "color" (said of the face when healthy or sick, pleased or angry etc.)
B1L15T2W02難看nánkànVsnot to look good
B1L15T2W03肚子dùziNstomach, abdomen
B1L15T2W04Vto throw up, to vomit
B1L15T2W05N(a) few
B1L15T2W06Mmeasure word for times, occurrences
B1L15T2W07péiVto go/stay with somebody, to accompany
B1L15T2W08看病kànbìngV-septo see a doctor
B1L15T2W12yóuVsoily, greasy
B1L15T2W14biéAdvdon't (used in imperatives)
B1L15T2W15關心guānxīnVstto be concerned about
B1L15T2W16bāoMmeasure word for bags, packages etc.
B1L15T2W17shuìVito sleep
B1L15T2W19怎麼了zěnme lePhWhat's wrong?
B1L15T2W20不用了búyòng lePhIt's not necessary.
B1L15T2W21健康中心jiànkāng zhōngxīnPhhealth center
B1L15T2W22回家huí jiāPhgo home
B1L15T2W23最好zuìhǎoPhIt would be best.../ (You) should...

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.