jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

Textook 1 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 2 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 3 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 4 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 5 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Textook 6 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B4L01T1W01小玲XiǎolíngXiaoling, female Character Name
B4L01T1W02阿建ĀjiànAjian, male Character Name
B4L01T1W03聊天室liáotiānshìNchatroom (室 -shì, room)
B4L01T1W04上班族shàngbānzúN(office) workers (族 -zú, group)
B4L01T1W05與其yǔqíConjrather than...
B4L01T1W06冷清lěngqīngVsdeserted, empty
B4L01T1W07高就gāojiùVito work (honorific)
B4L01T1W09厲害lìhàiVsimpressive, good, awesome
B4L01T1W10加班jiābānV-septo work overtime
B4L01T1W11lèiMkind, type
B4L01T1W12恐怖片kǒngbùpiànNhorror movie (恐怖 kǒngbù, scary; 片 -piàn, film)
B4L01T1W13愛情片àiqíngpiànNlove story or romance movie (愛情 àiqíng, love)
B4L01T1W14xiàVpto be scared
B4L01T1W15Vto cry
B4L01T1W16上癮shàngyǐnVpto get hooked on, addicted
B4L01T1W18簡直jiǎnzhíAdvsimply, really
B4L01T1W19膽子dǎnziNguts, courage
B4L01T1W20Mmeasure word for movies
B4L01T1W21限制級xiànzhìjíNrestricted (viewing for movies) (限制 xiànzhì, restricted; 級 -jí, level)
B4L01T1W22電影院diànyǐngyuànNcinema, movie theater
B4L01T1W23èPtcuh, interjection indicating embarrassment
B4L01T1W24建設公司jiànshè gōngsīPhconstruction company
B4L01T1W25業務經理yèwù jīnglǐPhbusiness manager
B4L01T1W26室內設計shìnèi shèjìPhinterior design
B4L01T2W03suǒMmeasure word for schools
B4L01T2W04就讀jiùdúVito be enrolled as a student
B4L01T2W05不至於búzhìyúAdvnot so, not to that degree, not so much that
B4L01T2W06dànConjbut, however (formal)
B4L01T2W07放學fàngxuéVpafter school, when school lets out
B4L01T2W08hòuNafterwards (formal)
B4L01T2W09解決jiějuéVto take care
B4L01T2W11網友wǎngyǒuNonline friends
B4L01T2W12陪伴péibànVto keep somebody company
B4L01T2W14進入jìnrùVto enter
B4L01T2W16感情gǎnqíngNemotions, feelings, love
B4L01T2W17小氣xiǎoqìVsto be stingy
B4L01T2W18shíNwhen (formal)
B4L01T2W19往往wǎngwǎngAdvoftentimes, generally
B4L01T2W20打氣dǎqìVito cheer on/up
B4L01T2W21安慰ānwèiVto comfort
B4L01T2W22心裡xīnlǐNin (one's) mind
B4L01T2W23大膽dàdǎnVsto be bold, courageous
B4L01T2W24紓解shūjiěVto relieve
B4L01T2W25轉換zhuǎnhuànVto change, transform
B4L01T2W27現實xiànshíVsactual, real
B4L01T2W28心理xīnlǐNpsychological, mental
B4L01T2W29即使jíshǐConjeven if, even though
B4L01T2W30責備zébèiVto reproach, get on somebody's case
B4L01T2W32喘氣chuǎnqìV-septo gasp, pant
B4L01T2W33自在zìzàiVsto be at ease, relaxed
B4L01T2W34交友jiāoyǒuVito make friends (with)
B4L01T2W36diǎnVto click (on)
B4L01T2W37懂得dǒngdeVstto know how to
B4L01T2W38陷阱xiànjǐngNtrap, snare
B4L01T2W39明星高中míngxīng gāozhōngPhdistinguished, exclusive high school
B4L01T2W40早出晚歸zǎochū wǎnguīPhto leave home early and get home late
B4L01T2W41打開dǎkāiPhto turn on, to power on
B4L01T2W42喘不過氣chuǎnbúguò qìPhto be under great pressure, (lit.) unable to breathe
B4L01T2W43躲進duǒjìnPhto hide oneself in
B4L01T2W44掉進diàojìnPhto fall into

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.