jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

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loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B5L06T1W0死刑sǐxíngNcapital punishment, the death penalty
B5L06T1W0存廢cúnfèiNpreservation or abolishment, to preserve or to abolish (contracted word from 保存 + 廢除)
B5L06T1W0僵局jiāngjúNstalemate, deadlock, impasse
B5L06T1W0各自gèzìAdveach, respectively
B5L06T1W01嚇阻hèzǔVto deter (through intimidation)
B5L06T1W02隔離gélíVto isolate, separate, quarantine
B5L06T1W05殺害shāhàiVto murder, kill
B5L06T1W06黑心hēixīnVs-attrdarkened heart; evil mind (黑心食品 = unsafe food, i.e., made by profit-oriented people/companies with no conscience)
B5L06T1W07案件ànjiànN(legal) case
B5L06T1W09pànVto judge, rule, give sentencing
B5L06T1W10有期徒刑yǒuqí túxíngPhprison term (sentencing with a fixed prison term)
B5L06T1W11無期徒刑wúqí túxíngPhlife sentence (i.e., no chance of parole)
B5L06T1W12死者sǐzhěNthe dead person, the murder victim
B5L06T1W13交代jiāodàiNa satisfactory answer, briefing, accountability
B5L06T1W14彌補míbǔVto make up for, compensate for
B5L06T1W15家屬jiāshǔNfamily, family members
B5L06T1W17犯人fànrénNcriminal, prisoner
B5L06T1W18出獄chūyùVito be released from prison (監獄, jiānyù, prison)
B5L06T1W19Mmeasure for "graspable" objects like rulers, chairs, salt etc.
B5L06T1W21現行xiànxíngVs-attrexisting, current
B5L06T1W23永久yǒngjiǔAdvforever, permanently
B5L06T1W24害怕hàipàVsto be afraid of, to fear
B5L06T1W25報復bàofùV/Nto retaliate, get revenge; vengeance
B5L06T1W26納稅nàshuìV-septo pay taxes
B5L06T1W27懲罰chéngfáN/Vpunishment; to punish
B5L06T1W28犯罪fànzuìV-septo commit a crime
B5L06T1W29罰單fádānNticket (for a fine)
B5L06T1W30闖紅燈chuǎng hóngdēngPhrun a red light (闖, to rush, break through; 紅燈, red light)
B5L06T1W31kāiVto write (a ticket)
B5L06T1W32同理tónglǐAdvby the same token, similarly
B5L06T1W33換句話說huànjùhuà shuōPhin other words, to put it another way
B5L06T1W34維持wéichíVto keep, maintain
B5L06T1W35相較於xiāngjiào yúPhin comparison to, compared to (classical Chinese)
B5L06T1W36人權rénquánNhuman rights
B5L06T1W37廢除fèichúVto abolish
B5L06T1W41huǐVto destroy
B5L06T1W42氣憤qìfènVsindignant, angry
B5L06T1W43hènVstto hate
B5L06T1W44報仇bàochóuV-septo get revenge, get vengeance
B5L06T1W45便宜piányíVstto let somebody off easy
B5L06T1W46置身事外zhìshēn shìwàiIdto remain aloof, sit on the sidelines, not be involved
B5L06T1W47放下fàngxiàVlet it go, let it be, "forgive"
B5L06T1W48凶手xiōngshǒuNmurderer, killer
B5L06T1W49感同身受gǎntóng shēnshòuIdto empathize, feel like own experience
B5L06T1W50生前shēngqiánNduring one's life, before one's death
B5L06T1W52心痛xīntòngPhthe pain in one's heart, heartbreak, heartache
B5L06T1W53天平tiānpíngNbalance, scales
B5L06T1W54衡量héngliángVto weigh, evaluate
B5L06T1W55坦白tǎnbáiVshonesty, honest (坦白說 = to be honest/frank/candid)
B5L06T1W56撫慰fǔwèiVto console, comfort
B5L06T1W57剛剛好gānggāng hǎoPhjust right, just enough, just the right amount, time, color, etc. (meaning here: justice done)
B5L06T2W01無濟於事wújì yúshìIdto not help the situation, does not do anybody good, of no use
B5L06T2W02致力zhìlìAdvwith all might and mind
B5L06T2W03推動tuīdòngVto promote, push
B5L06T2W04漫漫長路mànmàn chánglùIda long road, there is still a long way to go
B5L06T2W05刑罰xíngfáNpunishment, penalty
B5L06T2W06顯得xiǎndeVauxto appear, seem, come off as
B5L06T2W07fèiVto exert (lit. pay out)
B5L06T2W08心力xīnlìNeffort (physical and mental)
B5L06T2W09冤枉yuānwǎngVto be wronged, treated unjustly
B5L06T2W10槍決qiāngjuéN/Vexecution by shooting; to execute by shooting
B5L06T2W11犯案fàn'ànVp-septo be implicated in a crime
B5L06T2W12充足chōngzúVsample, sufficient, adequate
B5L06T2W13保證bǎozhèngV/Nto guarantee; guarantee
B5L06T2W14誤判wùpànV/Nto err in judicial judgement; erroneous judgement, miscarriage of justice
B5L06T2W15失誤shīwùNmistake, error
B5L06T2W17賠償péichángN/Vcompensation, reparation; to compensate, make reparations
B5L06T2W18善良shànliángVsgood and kind
B5L06T2W19一面yímiànPhside (i.e., a good side)
B5L06T2W20可貴kěguìVsvaluable, priceless
B5L06T2W21同情tóngqíngVst/Nto sympathize; sympathy
B5L06T2W22換不回huànbùhuíPhcannot get it back
B5L06T2W23和解héjiěVito reconcile, make up
B5L06T2W24認錯rèncuòV-septo admit one's error
B5L06T2W25重新chóngxīnAdvanew, afresh
B5L06T2W26大愛dà'àiNgreat love, love at the highest level
B5L06T2W28只是zhǐshìAdvbut at the same time, we must realize that
B5L06T2W29一命還一命yímìng huán yímìngIda life for a life, an eye for an eye
B5L06T2W30好受hǎoshòuVsto feel better
B5L06T2W31也就是說yějiùshìshuōPhthat is to say, that is, i.e.,
B5L06T2W32歐盟ŌuméngNthe EU, European Union Name
B5L06T2W34意識到yìshìdàoVptto be conscious of, to be aware of
B5L06T2W35唯有wéiyǒuAdvonly by
B5L06T2W36身旁shēnpángNnext to, around you
B5L06T2W37打造dǎzàoVto create, implement
B5L06T2W38根本gēnběnAdvcompletely, fundamentally, thoroughly

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.