jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.
Textook 1 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 2 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 3 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 4 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 5 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Textook 6 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
loc | hanzi | pinyin | pos | def |
B5L06T1W0 | 死刑 | sǐxíng | N | capital punishment, the death penalty |
B5L06T1W0 | 存廢 | cúnfèi | N | preservation or abolishment, to preserve or to abolish (contracted word from 保存 + 廢除) |
B5L06T1W0 | 爭議 | zhēngyì | N | controversy |
B5L06T1W0 | 僵局 | jiāngjú | N | stalemate, deadlock, impasse |
B5L06T1W0 | 各自 | gèzì | Adv | each, respectively |
B5L06T1W01 | 嚇阻 | hèzǔ | V | to deter (through intimidation) |
B5L06T1W02 | 隔離 | gélí | V | to isolate, separate, quarantine |
B5L06T1W03 | 罪犯 | zuìfàn | N | criminal |
B5L06T1W04 | 隨機 | suíjī | Adv | randomly |
B5L06T1W05 | 殺害 | shāhài | V | to murder, kill |
B5L06T1W06 | 黑心 | hēixīn | Vs-attr | darkened heart; evil mind (黑心食品 = unsafe food, i.e., made by profit-oriented people/companies with no conscience) |
B5L06T1W07 | 案件 | ànjiàn | N | (legal) case |
B5L06T1W08 | 法官 | fǎguān | N | judge |
B5L06T1W09 | 判 | pàn | V | to judge, rule, give sentencing |
B5L06T1W10 | 有期徒刑 | yǒuqí túxíng | Ph | prison term (sentencing with a fixed prison term) |
B5L06T1W11 | 無期徒刑 | wúqí túxíng | Ph | life sentence (i.e., no chance of parole) |
B5L06T1W12 | 死者 | sǐzhě | N | the dead person, the murder victim |
B5L06T1W13 | 交代 | jiāodài | N | a satisfactory answer, briefing, accountability |
B5L06T1W14 | 彌補 | míbǔ | V | to make up for, compensate for |
B5L06T1W15 | 家屬 | jiāshǔ | N | family, family members |
B5L06T1W16 | 或者 | huòzhě | Conj | or |
B5L06T1W17 | 犯人 | fànrén | N | criminal, prisoner |
B5L06T1W18 | 出獄 | chūyù | Vi | to be released from prison (監獄, jiānyù, prison) |
B5L06T1W19 | 把 | bǎ | M | measure for "graspable" objects like rulers, chairs, salt etc. |
B5L06T1W20 | 尺 | chǐ | N | ruler |
B5L06T1W21 | 現行 | xiànxíng | Vs-attr | existing, current |
B5L06T1W22 | 假釋 | jiǎshì | Vi | parole |
B5L06T1W23 | 永久 | yǒngjiǔ | Adv | forever, permanently |
B5L06T1W24 | 害怕 | hàipà | Vs | to be afraid of, to fear |
B5L06T1W25 | 報復 | bàofù | V/N | to retaliate, get revenge; vengeance |
B5L06T1W26 | 納稅 | nàshuì | V-sep | to pay taxes |
B5L06T1W27 | 懲罰 | chéngfá | N/V | punishment; to punish |
B5L06T1W28 | 犯罪 | fànzuì | V-sep | to commit a crime |
B5L06T1W29 | 罰單 | fádān | N | ticket (for a fine) |
B5L06T1W30 | 闖紅燈 | chuǎng hóngdēng | Ph | run a red light (闖, to rush, break through; 紅燈, red light) |
B5L06T1W31 | 開 | kāi | V | to write (a ticket) |
B5L06T1W32 | 同理 | tónglǐ | Adv | by the same token, similarly |
B5L06T1W33 | 換句話說 | huànjùhuà shuō | Ph | in other words, to put it another way |
B5L06T1W34 | 維持 | wéichí | V | to keep, maintain |
B5L06T1W35 | 相較於 | xiāngjiào yú | Ph | in comparison to, compared to (classical Chinese) |
B5L06T1W36 | 人權 | rénquán | N | human rights |
B5L06T1W37 | 廢除 | fèichú | V | to abolish |
B5L06T1W38 | 被害人 | bèihàirén | N | victim |
B5L06T1W39 | 孤兒 | gū'ér | N | orphan |
B5L06T1W40 | 不然 | bùrán | Conj | otherwise |
B5L06T1W41 | 毀 | huǐ | V | to destroy |
B5L06T1W42 | 氣憤 | qìfèn | Vs | indignant, angry |
B5L06T1W43 | 恨 | hèn | Vst | to hate |
B5L06T1W44 | 報仇 | bàochóu | V-sep | to get revenge, get vengeance |
B5L06T1W45 | 便宜 | piányí | Vst | to let somebody off easy |
B5L06T1W46 | 置身事外 | zhìshēn shìwài | Id | to remain aloof, sit on the sidelines, not be involved |
B5L06T1W47 | 放下 | fàngxià | V | let it go, let it be, "forgive" |
B5L06T1W48 | 凶手 | xiōngshǒu | N | murderer, killer |
B5L06T1W49 | 感同身受 | gǎntóng shēnshòu | Id | to empathize, feel like own experience |
B5L06T1W50 | 生前 | shēngqián | N | during one's life, before one's death |
B5L06T1W51 | 恐懼 | kǒngjù | N | fear |
B5L06T1W52 | 心痛 | xīntòng | Ph | the pain in one's heart, heartbreak, heartache |
B5L06T1W53 | 天平 | tiānpíng | N | balance, scales |
B5L06T1W54 | 衡量 | héngliáng | V | to weigh, evaluate |
B5L06T1W55 | 坦白 | tǎnbái | Vs | honesty, honest (坦白說 = to be honest/frank/candid) |
B5L06T1W56 | 撫慰 | fǔwèi | V | to console, comfort |
B5L06T1W57 | 剛剛好 | gānggāng hǎo | Ph | just right, just enough, just the right amount, time, color, etc. (meaning here: justice done) |
B5L06T2W01 | 無濟於事 | wújì yúshì | Id | to not help the situation, does not do anybody good, of no use |
B5L06T2W02 | 致力 | zhìlì | Adv | with all might and mind |
B5L06T2W03 | 推動 | tuīdòng | V | to promote, push |
B5L06T2W04 | 漫漫長路 | mànmàn chánglù | Id | a long road, there is still a long way to go |
B5L06T2W05 | 刑罰 | xíngfá | N | punishment, penalty |
B5L06T2W06 | 顯得 | xiǎnde | Vaux | to appear, seem, come off as |
B5L06T2W07 | 費 | fèi | V | to exert (lit. pay out) |
B5L06T2W08 | 心力 | xīnlì | N | effort (physical and mental) |
B5L06T2W09 | 冤枉 | yuānwǎng | V | to be wronged, treated unjustly |
B5L06T2W10 | 槍決 | qiāngjué | N/V | execution by shooting; to execute by shooting |
B5L06T2W11 | 犯案 | fàn'àn | Vp-sep | to be implicated in a crime |
B5L06T2W12 | 充足 | chōngzú | Vs | ample, sufficient, adequate |
B5L06T2W13 | 保證 | bǎozhèng | V/N | to guarantee; guarantee |
B5L06T2W14 | 誤判 | wùpàn | V/N | to err in judicial judgement; erroneous judgement, miscarriage of justice |
B5L06T2W15 | 失誤 | shīwù | N | mistake, error |
B5L06T2W16 | 無價 | wújià | Vs | priceless |
B5L06T2W17 | 賠償 | péicháng | N/V | compensation, reparation; to compensate, make reparations |
B5L06T2W18 | 善良 | shànliáng | Vs | good and kind |
B5L06T2W19 | 一面 | yímiàn | Ph | side (i.e., a good side) |
B5L06T2W20 | 可貴 | kěguì | Vs | valuable, priceless |
B5L06T2W21 | 同情 | tóngqíng | Vst/N | to sympathize; sympathy |
B5L06T2W22 | 換不回 | huànbùhuí | Ph | cannot get it back |
B5L06T2W23 | 和解 | héjiě | Vi | to reconcile, make up |
B5L06T2W24 | 認錯 | rèncuò | V-sep | to admit one's error |
B5L06T2W25 | 重新 | chóngxīn | Adv | anew, afresh |
B5L06T2W26 | 大愛 | dà'ài | N | great love, love at the highest level |
B5L06T2W27 | 感受 | gǎnshòu | N | feelings |
B5L06T2W28 | 只是 | zhǐshì | Adv | but at the same time, we must realize that |
B5L06T2W29 | 一命還一命 | yímìng huán yímìng | Id | a life for a life, an eye for an eye |
B5L06T2W30 | 好受 | hǎoshòu | Vs | to feel better |
B5L06T2W31 | 也就是說 | yějiùshìshuō | Ph | that is to say, that is, i.e., |
B5L06T2W32 | 歐盟 | Ōuméng | N | the EU, European Union Name |
B5L06T2W33 | 潮流 | cháoliú | N | trend |
B5L06T2W34 | 意識到 | yìshìdào | Vpt | to be conscious of, to be aware of |
B5L06T2W35 | 唯有 | wéiyǒu | Adv | only by |
B5L06T2W36 | 身旁 | shēnpáng | N | next to, around you |
B5L06T2W37 | 打造 | dǎzào | V | to create, implement |
B5L06T2W38 | 根本 | gēnběn | Adv | completely, fundamentally, thoroughly |
A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.