jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

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loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B4L03T1W01李文麗Lǐ WénlìLi Wenli, female Character Name
B4L03T1W03女裝nǚzhuāngNwomen's apparel
B4L03T1W04何必hébìAdvWhy bother..., Why must?
B4L03T1W05zhǐVstto mean, to indicate
B4L03T1W06划算huásuànVscost effective, a good deal
B4L03T1W07身材shēncáiNfigure, build, body (shape)
B4L03T1W09不見得bújiàndéAdvnot necessarily
B4L03T1W10仿冒品fǎngmàopǐnNknock-off, counterfeit product (仿冒 fǎngmào, counterfeit; 品 -pǐn, product)
B4L03T1W14提供tígōngVto offer
B4L03T1W16疑問yíwènNquestion, doubt
B4L03T1W17maPtcsentence particle, 'it is obvious that'
B4L03T1W18guànPtcto get used to, accustomed to etc...
B4L03T1W19瀏覽liúlǎnVto browse, surf (the internet)
B4L03T1W20後悔hòuhuǐVsto regret, feel sorrowful about
B4L03T1W21深夜shēnyèNlate at night, in the wee hours
B4L03T1W24盜用dàoyòngVto hack, use illegitimately
B4L03T1W25認證rènzhèngV/Nto certify; certification
B4L03T1W26銀髮族yínfǎzúNsenior citizens, seniors (銀 yín, silver; 髮 fǎ, hair)
B4L03T1W27從前cóngqiánNin the past, before, formerly
B4L03T1W28通常tōngchángAdvgenerally, as a rule
B4L03T1W29取貨qǔhuòV-septo pick up goods
B4L03T1W30付款fùkuǎnV-septo make payment
B4L03T1W31雲端科技yúnduān kējìPhcloud/internet technology
B4L03T1W32宅經濟zháijīngjìPhonline economy
B4L03T1W33用不慣yòngbúguànPhnot used/accustomed to using, not comfortable with
B4L03T1W34退換tuì huànPhto return, to exchange for something else
B4L03T1W35信用卡xìnyòng kǎPhcredit card
B4L03T2W01縮短suōduǎnVptto shorten
B4L03T2W02人們rénmenNpeople in general
B4L03T2W04取代qǔdàiVto replace
B4L03T2W05xìnNletter, mail
B4L03T2W06影集yǐngjíN(TV) series
B4L03T2W07取得qǔdéVto obtain, access
B4L03T2W08例如lìrúVstfor example
B4L03T2W09民眾mínzhòngNthe public, people in general
B4L03T2W10高速公路gāosù gōnglùNhighway, freeway
B4L03T2W11qiánNbefore (formal)
B4L03T2W12查詢cháxúnVto look up, check
B4L03T2W13路況lùkuàngNroad situation, traffic situation
B4L03T2W14避開bìkāiVto avoid
B4L03T2W15路段lùduànNsection of road
B4L03T2W16ruòConjif, supposing
B4L03T2W17運用yùnyòngVto use, employ
B4L03T2W18病歷bìnglìNmedical records
B4L03T2W20更加gèngjiāAdveven more
B4L03T2W24控制kòngzhìVto control
B4L03T2W25表弟biǎodìNcousin (younger male cousin from one's mother's side as well as from one's father's sisters)
B4L03T2W26退步tuìbùVpto regress, get worse, fall behind
B4L03T2W27過度guòdùAdvoverly, excessively
B4L03T2W28Conjand (formal)
B4L03T2W29生理shēnglǐNphysical health
B4L03T2W30dīngVto stare
B4L03T2W31螢幕yíngmùNscreen, monitor
B4L03T2W32疲倦píjuànVstired, fatigued
B4L03T2W33視力shìlìNvision, eyesight
B4L03T2W35此外cǐwàiConjin addition
B4L03T2W37人類rénlèiNmankind, humans
B4L03T2W39同時tóngshíAdvat the same time
B4L03T2W41沉迷chénmíVsto be obsessed with, wallow in
B4L03T2W42無形中wúxíng zhōngPhimperceptibly
B4L03T2W43遠距教學yuǎnjù jiāoxuéPhdistance learning
B4L03T2W44大吵大鬧dàchǎo dànàoPhto kick up a row, make a scene, scream bloody murder
B4L03T2W45焦慮不安jiāolǜ bù'ānPhto be anxious
B4L03T2W46總而言之zǒng'ér yánzhīPhin conclusion, to sum up, in short

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.