jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

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loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B4L05T1W02排隊páiduìV-septo line up, stand in queue
B4L05T1W03校刊xiàokānNschool newspaper, school publications of all sorts
B4L05T1W04採訪cǎifǎngVto interview
B4L05T1W06博士bóshìNdoctorate, PhD
B4L05T1W07學位xuéwèiNacademic degree
B4L05T1W08kǎoVto take a test
B4L05T1W09司機sījīNdriver, chauffeur
B4L05T1W10學士xuéshìNbachelor's, college degree
B4L05T1W11地攤dìtānNstreet stall
B4L05T1W13稀奇xīqíVsrare (and unique), singular
B4L05T1W14qiǎngVto rob, mug
B4L05T1W15批評pīpíngVto criticize
B4L05T1W16浪費làngfèiVstto waste
B4L05T1W17畢竟bìjìngAdvafter all
B4L05T1W18貢獻gòngxiànVto make contributions
B4L05T1W21升學shēngxuéVito pursue further education
B4L05T1W22逃避táobìVto evade, escape
B4L05T1W23就業jiùyèN/Viemployment; to get a job
B4L05T1W24延後yánhòuVto postpone
B4L05T1W25啃老族kěnlǎozúNa "sponge", a "parasite", somebody who feeds off the old (啃老 kěnlǎo, live off one's parents, lit. gnaw on the old)
B4L05T1W26收攤shōutānV-septo close up shop (said of street stalls)
B4L05T1W27清潔隊員qīngjié duìyuánPhcleaning squad, street cleaners (清潔 qīngjié, to clean; 隊員 -duìyuán, team member)
B4L05T1W28擺地攤bǎi dìtānPhto have a street stall
B4L05T1W29大多數dàduōshùPhmost, the majority of
B4L05T1W30話說回來huàshuō huíláiPhon the other hand, however
B4L05T1W31自食其力zìshí qílìPhto rely on yourself, to stand on your own two feet
B4L05T1W32下一期xiàyìqíPhnext issue (of a periodical)
B4L05T2W01duànMa period of (time)
B4L05T2W02物價wùjiàNprices, commodity prices
B4L05T2W03上漲shàngzhǎngVpto rise (of prices)
B4L05T2W05zhǎngVpto rise (as of prices and water level)
B4L05T2W06勉強miǎnqiǎngAdvbarely, with great reluctance
B4L05T2W07根本gēnběnAdvat all, in the slightest
B4L05T2W09抗議kàngyìVto protest against
B4L05T2W10地價dìjiàNland prices
B4L05T2W11房價fángjiàNhousing prices
B4L05T2W12高漲gāozhǎngVsto (upward) surge
B4L05T2W13造成zàochéngVptto cause, produce, make
B4L05T2W15窮忙qióngmángVsbusy doing things without achieving anything
B4L05T2W16全球quánqiúNglobal, worldwide
B4L05T2W17景氣jǐngqìVsprosperous, booming, economic conditions
B4L05T2W18施行shīxíngVto implement, put into effect
B4L05T2W19薪資xīnzīNpay, salary, wages
B4L05T2W20多年duōniánNfor many years, for so long
B4L05T2W21wèiAdvnot yet (formal)
B4L05T2W22調高tiáogāoVto adjust upward
B4L05T2W23裁員cáiyuánVito lay off
B4L05T2W24觀察guāncháVto observe, note
B4L05T2W26中獎zhòngjiǎngVp-septo win (a prize or lottery), to hit a jackpot
B4L05T2W27做夢zuòmèngV-septo dream
B4L05T2W28發財fācáiVp-septo strike it rich
B4L05T2W29臉色liǎnsèNcountenance (mood shown on face)
B4L05T2W30報導bàodǎoNreport, article, story (news)
B4L05T2W31指出zhǐchūVto indicate, point out
B4L05T2W32創業chuàngyèVito set up a business
B4L05T2W33餐飲業cānyǐnyèNfood and beverage industry
B4L05T2W35Conjand (formal)
B4L05T2W37培養péiyǎngVto cultivate, train, foster
B4L05T2W38實力shílìNstrength (not physical strength)
B4L05T2W39等待děngdàiVto wait for, await
B4L05T2W40擁有yǒngyǒuVstto have as one's own, possess
B4L05T2W41中國大陸Zhōngguó DàlùMainland China Name
B4L05T2W42存不了cúnbùliǎoPhcan't save (money)
B4L05T2W43無殼蝸牛wúké guāniúPhsnails without shells (people who cannot afford to buy their own home)
B4L05T2W44貧富不均pínfù bùjūnPhgap between the rich and the poor, unequal distribution of wealth
B4L05T2W45苦哈哈kǔ hāhāPhbitter life, very poorly
B4L05T2W46另謀發展lìngmóu fāzhǎnPhto seek opportunities elsewhere
B4L05T2W47恨不得hènbùdéPhto be dying to, desperately
B4L05T2W48一夜致富yíyè zhìfùPhto become rich overnight
B4L05T2W49一片天yípiàntiānPhplace in the sun, a job that makes you happy and provides you with all the money and things that you want, paradise

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.