jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.
Textook 1 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 2 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 3 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 4 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 5 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Textook 6 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
loc | hanzi | pinyin | pos | def |
B4L05T1W01 | 夢 | mèng | N | dream |
B4L05T1W02 | 排隊 | páiduì | V-sep | to line up, stand in queue |
B4L05T1W03 | 校刊 | xiàokān | N | school newspaper, school publications of all sorts |
B4L05T1W04 | 採訪 | cǎifǎng | V | to interview |
B4L05T1W05 | 校友 | xiàoyǒu | N | alumnus |
B4L05T1W06 | 博士 | bóshì | N | doctorate, PhD |
B4L05T1W07 | 學位 | xuéwèi | N | academic degree |
B4L05T1W08 | 考 | kǎo | V | to take a test |
B4L05T1W09 | 司機 | sījī | N | driver, chauffeur |
B4L05T1W10 | 學士 | xuéshì | N | bachelor's, college degree |
B4L05T1W11 | 地攤 | dìtān | N | street stall |
B4L05T1W12 | 現象 | xiànxiàng | N | phenomenon |
B4L05T1W13 | 稀奇 | xīqí | Vs | rare (and unique), singular |
B4L05T1W14 | 搶 | qiǎng | V | to rob, mug |
B4L05T1W15 | 批評 | pīpíng | V | to criticize |
B4L05T1W16 | 浪費 | làngfèi | Vst | to waste |
B4L05T1W17 | 畢竟 | bìjìng | Adv | after all |
B4L05T1W18 | 貢獻 | gòngxiàn | V | to make contributions |
B4L05T1W19 | 的確 | díquè | Adv | indeed |
B4L05T1W20 | 盲目 | mángmù | Adv | blindly |
B4L05T1W21 | 升學 | shēngxué | Vi | to pursue further education |
B4L05T1W22 | 逃避 | táobì | V | to evade, escape |
B4L05T1W23 | 就業 | jiùyè | N/Vi | employment; to get a job |
B4L05T1W24 | 延後 | yánhòu | V | to postpone |
B4L05T1W25 | 啃老族 | kěnlǎozú | N | a "sponge", a "parasite", somebody who feeds off the old (啃老 kěnlǎo, live off one's parents, lit. gnaw on the old) |
B4L05T1W26 | 收攤 | shōutān | V-sep | to close up shop (said of street stalls) |
B4L05T1W27 | 清潔隊員 | qīngjié duìyuán | Ph | cleaning squad, street cleaners (清潔 qīngjié, to clean; 隊員 -duìyuán, team member) |
B4L05T1W28 | 擺地攤 | bǎi dìtān | Ph | to have a street stall |
B4L05T1W29 | 大多數 | dàduōshù | Ph | most, the majority of |
B4L05T1W30 | 話說回來 | huàshuō huílái | Ph | on the other hand, however |
B4L05T1W31 | 自食其力 | zìshí qílì | Ph | to rely on yourself, to stand on your own two feet |
B4L05T1W32 | 下一期 | xiàyìqí | Ph | next issue (of a periodical) |
B4L05T2W01 | 段 | duàn | M | a period of (time) |
B4L05T2W02 | 物價 | wùjià | N | prices, commodity prices |
B4L05T2W03 | 上漲 | shàngzhǎng | Vp | to rise (of prices) |
B4L05T2W04 | 所得 | suǒdé | N | income |
B4L05T2W05 | 漲 | zhǎng | Vp | to rise (as of prices and water level) |
B4L05T2W06 | 勉強 | miǎnqiǎng | Adv | barely, with great reluctance |
B4L05T2W07 | 根本 | gēnběn | Adv | at all, in the slightest |
B4L05T2W08 | 組織 | zǔzhī | N | organization |
B4L05T2W09 | 抗議 | kàngyì | V | to protest against |
B4L05T2W10 | 地價 | dìjià | N | land prices |
B4L05T2W11 | 房價 | fángjià | N | housing prices |
B4L05T2W12 | 高漲 | gāozhǎng | Vs | to (upward) surge |
B4L05T2W13 | 造成 | zàochéng | Vpt | to cause, produce, make |
B4L05T2W14 | 統計 | tǒngjì | N | statistics |
B4L05T2W15 | 窮忙 | qióngmáng | Vs | busy doing things without achieving anything |
B4L05T2W16 | 全球 | quánqiú | N | global, worldwide |
B4L05T2W17 | 景氣 | jǐngqì | Vs | prosperous, booming, economic conditions |
B4L05T2W18 | 施行 | shīxíng | V | to implement, put into effect |
B4L05T2W19 | 薪資 | xīnzī | N | pay, salary, wages |
B4L05T2W20 | 多年 | duōnián | N | for many years, for so long |
B4L05T2W21 | 未 | wèi | Adv | not yet (formal) |
B4L05T2W22 | 調高 | tiáogāo | V | to adjust upward |
B4L05T2W23 | 裁員 | cáiyuán | Vi | to lay off |
B4L05T2W24 | 觀察 | guānchá | V | to observe, note |
B4L05T2W25 | 彩券 | cǎiquàn | N | lottery |
B4L05T2W26 | 中獎 | zhòngjiǎng | Vp-sep | to win (a prize or lottery), to hit a jackpot |
B4L05T2W27 | 做夢 | zuòmèng | V-sep | to dream |
B4L05T2W28 | 發財 | fācái | Vp-sep | to strike it rich |
B4L05T2W29 | 臉色 | liǎnsè | N | countenance (mood shown on face) |
B4L05T2W30 | 報導 | bàodǎo | N | report, article, story (news) |
B4L05T2W31 | 指出 | zhǐchū | V | to indicate, point out |
B4L05T2W32 | 創業 | chuàngyè | Vi | to set up a business |
B4L05T2W33 | 餐飲業 | cānyǐnyè | N | food and beverage industry |
B4L05T2W34 | 人生 | rénshēng | N | life |
B4L05T2W35 | 及 | jí | Conj | and (formal) |
B4L05T2W36 | 挑戰 | tiǎozhàn | N | challenge |
B4L05T2W37 | 培養 | péiyǎng | V | to cultivate, train, foster |
B4L05T2W38 | 實力 | shílì | N | strength (not physical strength) |
B4L05T2W39 | 等待 | děngdài | V | to wait for, await |
B4L05T2W40 | 擁有 | yǒngyǒu | Vst | to have as one's own, possess |
B4L05T2W41 | 中國大陸 | Zhōngguó Dàlù | Mainland China Name | |
B4L05T2W42 | 存不了 | cúnbùliǎo | Ph | can't save (money) |
B4L05T2W43 | 無殼蝸牛 | wúké guāniú | Ph | snails without shells (people who cannot afford to buy their own home) |
B4L05T2W44 | 貧富不均 | pínfù bùjūn | Ph | gap between the rich and the poor, unequal distribution of wealth |
B4L05T2W45 | 苦哈哈 | kǔ hāhā | Ph | bitter life, very poorly |
B4L05T2W46 | 另謀發展 | lìngmóu fāzhǎn | Ph | to seek opportunities elsewhere |
B4L05T2W47 | 恨不得 | hènbùdé | Ph | to be dying to, desperately |
B4L05T2W48 | 一夜致富 | yíyè zhìfù | Ph | to become rich overnight |
B4L05T2W49 | 一片天 | yípiàntiān | Ph | place in the sun, a job that makes you happy and provides you with all the money and things that you want, paradise |
A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.