jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

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loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B4L09T1W02據點jùdiǎnNbase, stronghold
B4L09T1W03統治tǒngzhìVto rule, govern
B4L09T1W04景點jǐngdiǎnNscenic site
B4L09T1W06港口gǎngkǒuNharbor, port
B4L09T1W07據說jùshuōVit is said
B4L09T1W09鹿群lùqúnNherd of deer (群 -qún, group, crowd)
B4L09T1W11鹿角lùjiǎoNdeer antlers
B4L09T1W13chēngVto call
B4L09T1W15Nskin, hides
B4L09T1W16shāVto kill
B4L09T1W17數量shùliàngNnumber, quantity
B4L09T1W19民宅mínzháiNhome, people's residence
B4L09T1W20蚵仔煎ézǐjiānNoyster omelet
B4L09T1W21óPtcan interjection indicating concurrence accepting what has been presented
B4L09T1W22gāiVauxshould, ought to (formal)
B4L09T1W24時期shíqíNperiod, age
B4L09T1W27載運zàiyùnVto transport
B4L09T1W28改名gǎimíngV-septo legally change one's names
B4L09T1W30沒落mòluòVpto decline, wane
B4L09T1W32保留bǎoliúVto remain intact, preserve
B4L09T1W33鹿港LùgǎngLugang Name
B4L09T1W34艋舺MěngjiǎMengjia (Mangka) Name
B4L09T1W35淡水河Dànshuǐ HéTamsui River (河 -hé,river) Name
B4L09T1W36萬華WànhuáWanhua Name
B4L09T1W37台語TáiyǔTaiwanese (a Southern Min dialect) Name
B4L09T1W38日語RìyǔJapanese (language) Name
B4L09T1W39家喻戶曉jiāyù hùxiǎoPhwidely known
B4L09T1W40滿山遍野mǎnshān biànyěPhall over the mountains and plains
B4L09T1W41古色古香gǔsè gǔxiāngPhto have an antique air, quaint, classical in style
B4L09T1W42綠豆糕lǜdòu gāoPhmung-bean cake
B4L09T1W43牛舌餅niúshé bǐngPhox-tongue biscuit
B4L09T1W44垂涎三尺chuíxián sānchǐPhto salivate over, make one's mouth water
B4L09T2W01數目shùmùNamount, quantity
B4L09T2W02大約dàyuēAdvabout, approximately
B4L09T2W03zhànVstconstitute (same as "占")
B4L09T2W04自從zìcóngPrepever since
B4L09T2W05將近jiāngjìnAdvnearly, almost
B4L09T2W06往來wǎngláiNdealings, contact
B4L09T2W07思念sīniànVstto miss, think about, long for
B4L09T2W08通信tōngxìnV-septo communicate, correspond by mail
B4L09T2W09毫無háowúVstnone whatsoever
B4L09T2W10音訊yīnxùnNnews, information, message
B4L09T2W11遠離yuǎnlíVstto have left far away from
B4L09T2W12妻子qīziNwife (literary)
B4L09T2W13永遠yǒngyuǎnNalways, forever
B4L09T2W14開放kāifàngVpto open to the public
B4L09T2W15探親tànqīnVito visit relatives
B4L09T2W16親人qīnrénNrelatives, loved ones
B4L09T2W17打聽dǎtīngVto ask about, inquire
B4L09T2W18不禁bùjīnAdvcan't help but
B4L09T2W20尚未shàngwèiAdvnot yet
B4L09T2W21出世chūshìVpto be born
B4L09T2W24Msum (of money)
B4L09T2W26原諒yuánliàngVstto forgive
B4L09T2W27jìnVto exhaust, do one's utmost
B4L09T2W28究竟jiùjìngAdvafter all, in the end, actually
B4L09T2W29內心nèixīnNin one's heart, heart of hearts, innermost being
B4L09T2W30創傷chuāngshāngNtrauma, scars
B4L09T2W31珍惜zhēnxíVstto cherish, treasure
B4L09T2W33逃難táonànVito flee from war, natural disaster etc.
B4L09T2W34實在shízàiAdvtruly, really
B4L09T2W35歲月suìyuèNyears, time
B4L09T2W36遭遇zāoyùN/V(unhappy) experiences, happenings; to encounter, to have met with
B4L09T2W37老兵lǎobīngNold soldier, veteran
B4L09T2W38老張Lǎo ZhāngLao Zhang, a nickname for someone whose surname is Zhang Name
B4L09T2W39文化大革命Wénhuà Dà GémìngCultural Revolution (1966 ~ 1976) Name
B4L09T2W40落地生根luòdì shēnggēnPhto set one's roots down
B4L09T2W41身強體壯shēnqiáng tǐzhuàngPhstrong and healthy
B4L09T2W42離鄉背井líxiāng bèijǐngPhto leave one's hometown to become a stranger else where
B4L09T2W43飄洋過海piāoyáng guòhǎiPhto sail across the sea
B4L09T2W44朝思暮想zhāosī mùxiǎngPhto be amiss day and night
B4L09T2W45一輩子yíbèiziPhone lifetime
B4L09T2W46恐懼不安kǒngjù bù'ānPhscared and anxious, suffering from constant fear
B4L09T2W47刻骨銘心kègǔ míngxīnPhunforgettable, to be imprinted hard in one's mind

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.