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Book 2, chapter 5: 吃喜酒 Attending a Wedding Reception
loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B2L05T1W01喜酒xǐjiǔNwedding banquet, wedding reception
B2L05T1W02恭喜gōngxǐVto congratulate
B2L05T1W04參加cānjiāVto attend
B2L05T1W05婚禮hūnlǐNwedding ceremony
B2L05T1W06西裝xīzhuāngNa (western) suit
B2L05T1W12zhànVito stand
B2L05T1W14shuàiVshandsome, good looking (of men)
B2L05T1W15禮服lǐfúNformal attire
B2L05T1W17看起來kàn qǐláiPhto look, it appears to me...
B2L05T2W01結婚jiéhūnVp-septo get married to
B2L05T2W04熱鬧rènàoVsto be boisterous, lively
B2L05T2W05慶祝qìngzhùVto celebrate
B2L05T2W06jiànMmeasure word for clothing
B2L05T2W07喜事xǐshìNan auspicious occasion, such as a wedding
B2L05T2W08請客qǐngkèV-septo host a banquet, treat somebody to a meal
B2L05T2W09紅包hóngbāoNred envelope with cash gift
B2L05T2W10sòngVto give a gift, to send off, to see off
B2L05T2W11新人xīnrénNnewlyweds (used only at a wedding)
B2L05T2W12喜宴xǐyànNwedding banquet, wedding reception
B2L05T2W13敬酒jìngjiǔV-septo make a toast (alcoholic drinks)
B2L05T2W15小孩xiǎoháiNchild, children
B2L05T2W16不得了bùdéliǎoVsvery; extremely; indicates severity
B2L05T2W19離開líkāiVpto depart, to leave
B2L05T2W20Mmeasure word for utterances
B2L05T2W21祝福zhùfúVto give blessings to
B2L05T2W22huàNutterance, word
B2L05T2W23一會兒yìhuǐrPhin a moment
B2L05T2W24有說有笑yǒushuō yǒuxiàoPhlaughing and joking
B2L05T2W25有吃有喝yǒuchī yǒuhēPhan availability of food and drink
B2L05T2W26百年好合bǎinián hǎohéPhcentury-long matrimony, i.e., to have a long happy marriage
B2L05T2W27早生貴子zǎoshēng guìzǐPhMay you soon bear a child! (a traditional exhortation given to newly-weds)

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