jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.
Textook 1 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 2 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 3 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 4 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 5 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Textook 6 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
loc | hanzi | pinyin | pos | def |
B3L10T1W01 | 住院 | zhùyuàn | V-sep | to stay in a hospital, be hospitalized |
B3L10T1W02 | 臉 | liǎn | N | face |
B3L10T1W03 | 受傷 | shòushāng | Vp-sep | to be injured |
B3L10T1W04 | 撞 | zhuàng | V | to hit, collide |
B3L10T1W05 | 遵守 | zūnshǒu | V | to obey, follow, comply with |
B3L10T1W06 | 規則 | guīzé | N | rules, regulations |
B3L10T1W07 | 報警 | bàojǐng | V-sep | to report to (or call) the police |
B3L10T1W08 | 急診室 | jízhěnshì | N | emergency room |
B3L10T1W09 | 傷 | shāng | N | injury |
B3L10T1W10 | 骨折 | gǔzhé | Vp | to fracture, break a bone |
B3L10T1W11 | 片子 | piànzi | N | (X-ray) film |
B3L10T1W12 | 開刀 | kāidāo | V-sep | to have surgery |
B3L10T1W13 | 病人 | bìngrén | N | patient |
B3L10T1W14 | 情況 | qíngkuàng | N | situation |
B3L10T1W15 | 緊急 | jǐnjí | Vs | urgent |
B3L10T1W16 | 病床 | bìngchuáng | N | hospital bed |
B3L10T1W17 | 要命 | yàomìng | Vs | murderous, horrible |
B3L10T1W18 | 打針 | dǎzhēn | V-sep | to inject, give a shot |
B3L10T1W19 | 止痛 | zhǐtòng | Vi | to kill pain (lit. stop pain) |
B3L10T1W20 | 手術 | shǒushù | N | operation, surgery |
B3L10T1W21 | 警察 | jǐngchá | N | police |
B3L10T1W22 | 危險 | wéixiǎn | N | danger |
B3L10T1W23 | 至於 | zhìyú | Ptc | as to, regarding |
B3L10T1W24 | 部位 | bùwèi | N | (body) part, location |
B3L10T1W25 | 恢復 | huīfù | Vp | to recover |
B3L10T1W26 | 傷口 | shāngkǒu | N | wound |
B3L10T1W27 | 哎呀 | āiya | Ptc | interjection for realization of something important, oh no, yikes |
B3L10T1W28 | 出車禍 | chū chēhuò | Ph | to have an automobile accident |
B3L10T1W29 | 趕時間 | gǎn shíjiān | Ph | to be in a hurry |
B3L10T1W30 | 撞倒 | zhuàng dǎo | Ph | to knock down, knock over |
B3L10T1W31 | 救護車 | jiùhù chē | Ph | ambulance |
B3L10T1W32 | 照 X 光 | zhào X guāng | Ph | to take an X-ray |
B3L10T1W33 | 動手術 | dòng shǒushù | Ph | to have/undergo a surgery |
B3L10T2W01 | 醫美 | yīměi | N | cosmetic surgery |
B3L10T2W02 | 合理 | hélǐ | Vs | reasonable |
B3L10T2W03 | 休假 | xiūjià | V-sep | to take time off |
B3L10T2W04 | 迷人 | mírén | Vs | charming, attractive |
B3L10T2W05 | 職場 | zhíchǎng | N | workplace |
B3L10T2W06 | 競爭力 | jìngzhēnglì | N | competitive edge |
B3L10T2W07 | 調查 | diàochá | N | survey, investigation |
B3L10T2W08 | 整型 | zhěngxíng | V-sep | plastic surgery |
B3L10T2W09 | 增加 | zēngjiā | V | to increase |
B3L10T2W10 | 自信 | zìxìn | N | self-confidence |
B3L10T2W11 | 外表 | wàibiǎo | N | appearance, exterior |
B3L10T2W12 | 普通 | pǔtōng | Vs | common, ordinary |
B3L10T2W13 | 從事 | cóngshì | V | to be engaged in, work in (a field of work) |
B3L10T2W14 | 醫治 | yīzhì | V | to heal, cure |
B3L10T2W15 | 一向 | yíxiàng | Adv | have always |
B3L10T2W16 | 一般 | yìbān | Vs-attr | general, most |
B3L10T2W17 | 主要 | zhǔyào | Vs-attr | primary, main |
B3L10T2W18 | 待遇 | dàiyù | N | pay |
B3L10T2W19 | 公立 | gōnglì | Vs-attr | public; government-run |
B3L10T2W20 | 外科 | wàikē | N | department of surgery |
B3L10T2W21 | 超過 | chāoguò | Vpt | to exceed |
B3L10T2W22 | 倍 | bèi | M | times, -fold |
B3L10T2W23 | 另 | lìng | Det | another, additional |
B3L10T2W24 | 價值觀 | jiàzhíguān | N | values |
B3L10T2W25 | 尊敬 | zūnjìng | Vst | to respect, respectful of |
B3L10T2W26 | 告 | gào | V | to sue, bring suit against |
B3L10T2W27 | 平均 | píngjūn | Adv | average |
B3L10T2W28 | 醫療 | yīliáo | N | medical treatment, health care |
B3L10T2W29 | 怪 | guài | V | to blame |
B3L10T2W30 | 愛林 | Àilín | female person's name Name | |
B3L10T2W31 | 微整型 | wéi zhěngxíng | Ph | micro-cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery, face contouring |
B3L10T2W32 | 數一數二 | shǔyī shǔ'èr | Ph | one of the top or best in..., leading... |
B3L10T2W33 | 人際關係 | rénjì guānxì | Ph | interpersonal relations |
B3L10T2W34 | 動不動就 | dòng bú dòng jiù | Ph | to do something impetuously |
B3L10T2W35 | 找回 | zhǎo huí | Ph | to rediscover, to retrieve |
A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.