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Book 3, chapter 10: 我住院了 I'm Staying in the Hospital
loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B3L10T1W01住院zhùyuànV-septo stay in a hospital, be hospitalized
B3L10T1W03受傷shòushāngVp-septo be injured
B3L10T1W04zhuàngVto hit, collide
B3L10T1W05遵守zūnshǒuVto obey, follow, comply with
B3L10T1W06規則guīzéNrules, regulations
B3L10T1W07報警bàojǐngV-septo report to (or call) the police
B3L10T1W08急診室jízhěnshìNemergency room
B3L10T1W10骨折gǔzhéVpto fracture, break a bone
B3L10T1W11片子piànziN(X-ray) film
B3L10T1W12開刀kāidāoV-septo have surgery
B3L10T1W16病床bìngchuángNhospital bed
B3L10T1W17要命yàomìngVsmurderous, horrible
B3L10T1W18打針dǎzhēnV-septo inject, give a shot
B3L10T1W19止痛zhǐtòngVito kill pain (lit. stop pain)
B3L10T1W20手術shǒushùNoperation, surgery
B3L10T1W23至於zhìyúPtcas to, regarding
B3L10T1W24部位bùwèiN(body) part, location
B3L10T1W25恢復huīfùVpto recover
B3L10T1W27哎呀āiyaPtcinterjection for realization of something important, oh no, yikes
B3L10T1W28出車禍chū chēhuòPhto have an automobile accident
B3L10T1W29趕時間gǎn shíjiānPhto be in a hurry
B3L10T1W30撞倒zhuàng dǎoPhto knock down, knock over
B3L10T1W31救護車jiùhù chēPhambulance
B3L10T1W32照 X 光zhào X guāngPhto take an X-ray
B3L10T1W33動手術dòng shǒushùPhto have/undergo a surgery
B3L10T2W01醫美yīměiNcosmetic surgery
B3L10T2W03休假xiūjiàV-septo take time off
B3L10T2W04迷人mírénVscharming, attractive
B3L10T2W06競爭力jìngzhēnglìNcompetitive edge
B3L10T2W07調查diàocháNsurvey, investigation
B3L10T2W08整型zhěngxíngV-sepplastic surgery
B3L10T2W09增加zēngjiāVto increase
B3L10T2W11外表wàibiǎoNappearance, exterior
B3L10T2W12普通pǔtōngVscommon, ordinary
B3L10T2W13從事cóngshìVto be engaged in, work in (a field of work)
B3L10T2W14醫治yīzhìVto heal, cure
B3L10T2W15一向yíxiàngAdvhave always
B3L10T2W16一般yìbānVs-attrgeneral, most
B3L10T2W17主要zhǔyàoVs-attrprimary, main
B3L10T2W19公立gōnglìVs-attrpublic; government-run
B3L10T2W20外科wàikēNdepartment of surgery
B3L10T2W21超過chāoguòVptto exceed
B3L10T2W22bèiMtimes, -fold
B3L10T2W23lìngDetanother, additional
B3L10T2W25尊敬zūnjìngVstto respect, respectful of
B3L10T2W26gàoVto sue, bring suit against
B3L10T2W28醫療yīliáoNmedical treatment, health care
B3L10T2W29guàiVto blame
B3L10T2W30愛林Àilínfemale person's name Name
B3L10T2W31微整型wéi zhěngxíngPhmicro-cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery, face contouring
B3L10T2W32數一數二shǔyī shǔ'èrPhone of the top or best in..., leading...
B3L10T2W33人際關係rénjì guānxìPhinterpersonal relations
B3L10T2W34動不動就dòng bú dòng jiùPhto do something impetuously
B3L10T2W35找回zhǎo huíPhto rediscover, to retrieve

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