jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

Textook 1 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 2 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 3 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 4 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 5 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Textook 6 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B4L08T1W01王麗華Wáng Lìhuáa woman from Taiwan Character Name
B4L08T1W02魯亞Lǔ Yǎa man from Turkey Character Name
B4L08T1W03論文lùnwénNthesis, dissertation, scholarly article
B4L08T1W04反正fǎnzhèngAdvin any case
B4L08T1W05不只bùzhǐAdvnot only
B4L08T1W07代替dàitìVto substitute, to be in place of
B4L08T1W08獨自dúzìAdvalone, by oneself
B4L08T1W09難免nánmiǎnAdvinevitably, hard to avoid
B4L08T1W10費用fèiyòngNcosts, expense
B4L08T1W11觀念guānniànNconcept, notion
B4L08T1W14束縛shùfúVto be fettered by, bound by, shackled by
B4L08T1W15追求zhuīqiúVto pursue
B4L08T1W16倒是dàoshìAdvon the other hand
B4L08T1W17推行tuīxíngVto promote
B4L08T1W18生育shēngyùV/Nto have babies; reproduction, childbirth
B4L08T1W19補助bǔzhùV/Nto subsidize; subsidy, allowance
B4L08T1W20老人lǎorénNold people, seniors
B4L08T1W21夫婦fūfùNhusband and wife, couple (夫 -fū, man; 婦 -fù, woman)
B4L08T1W22獨生子dúshēngzǐNonly child (male)
B4L08T1W23chǒngVstto spoil (somebody)
B4L08T1W24職業zhíyèNoccupation, profession
B4L08T1W25婦產科fùchǎnkēNobstetrics and gynecology, OB/GYN (婦 -fù, woman; 產 -chǎn, produce; 科 -kē, department)
B4L08T1W26失業shīyèVpto lose one's job, to become unemployed
B4L08T1W27補習班bǔxíbānNcram school (補習 bǔxí, supplement studies; 班 -bān, class)
B4L08T1W28不可思議bùkě sīyìPhhard to comprehend, beyond logic, unbelievable
B4L08T1W29有話直說yǒuhuà zhíshuōPhto be frank, don't hold anything back, spit it out
B4L08T1W30娃娃推車wáwa tuīchēPhbaby carriage
B4L08T1W31不足為奇bùzú wéiqíPhnothing strange, not surprising at all
B4L08T1W32遠遠yuǎnyuǎnPhby far
B4L08T1W33傳宗接代chuánzōng jiēdàiPhcarry on the family line
B4L08T1W34無拘無束wújū wúshùPhcarefree, free, do as one pleases
B4L08T1W35老一輩lǎoyíbèiPhthe older generation
B4L08T1W36一胎化政策yìtāihuà zhèngcèPhOne Child Policy
B4L08T1W37這下子zhèxiàziPhas a consequence
B4L08T2W01Advalready (formal)
B4L08T2W02生育率shēngyùlǜNbirth rate (率 -lǜ, rate)
B4L08T2W03離婚líhūnVp-septo get divorced
B4L08T2W05jiàoAdvcomparatively more (formal)
B4L08T2W06使shǐVstto cause
B4L08T2W07行業hángyèNbusinesses, walks of life
B4L08T2W08重大zhòngdàVsenormous, heavy
B4L08T2W10招生zhāoshēngVito recruit students, find students
B4L08T2W11減班jiǎnbānVp-septo reduce enrollments
B4L08T2W12jiāngAdvwill soon
B4L08T2W13少子化shǎozǐhuàVplow birth rate (少, few; 子, children; 化 -huà, -ize, suffix indicating tranformation)
B4L08T2W14連鎖liánsuǒVs-attrchain, franchise
B4L08T2W16美語MěiyǔN(American) English
B4L08T2W17倒閉dǎobìVpto go out of business
B4L08T2W18何況hékuàngAdvmuch less, let alone
B4L08T2W19無法wúfǎAdvto be unable to
B4L08T2W21遠景yuǎnjǐngNfuture prospects
B4L08T2W23加入jiārùVto enter, join
B4L08T2W25針對zhēnduìPrepaimed at, directed at
B4L08T2W28減稅jiǎnshuìV-septo reduce taxes, tax break
B4L08T2W29延長yánchángVto extend, make longer
B4L08T2W30產假chǎnjiàNmaternity leave
B4L08T2W32tāiNembryo, birth, child
B4L08T2W33lǐngVto receive, withdraw (money)
B4L08T2W34yuánNdollar (or other currency)
B4L08T2W35成年chéngniánVpto come to age, enter adulthood
B4L08T2W41祖父母zǔfùmǔNpaternal grandparents
B4L08T2W48zhèngAdvduring the process of
B4L08T2W49考驗kǎoyànVto test out
B4L08T2W51之一zhīyīPhone of
B4L08T2W52寧缺勿濫níngquē wùlànPhnot settle for less than perfect
B4L08T2W53合不來hébùláiPhnot get along
B4L08T2W54生兒育女shēng'ér yùnǚPhto have and raise children
B4L08T2W55獨善其身dúshàn qíshēnPhto look out only for oneself, be self-centered
B4L08T2W56停滯不前tíngzhì bùqiánPhin stagnation

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.