jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

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loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B5L07T1W0傷腦筋shāng nǎojīnIdto cause a headache, a pain in the neck, to be knotty/troublesome (said of issues or problems)
B5L07T1W0受益shòuyìVpto be benefited, to benefit (from)
B5L07T1W0思考sīkǎoVto ponder
B5L07T1W01清晨qīngchénNearly morning
B5L07T1W02同齡tónglíngVsto be of the same age
B5L07T1W03遇上yùshàngVptto encounter, come across
B5L07T1W04白工báigōngNwork done in vain, wasted work
B5L07T1W05沖走chōngzǒuVto be washed away
B5L07T1W06(一)大半(yí) dàbànPha huge portion of, more than half
B5L07T1W07慘重cǎnzhòngVsheavy (said of losses)
B5L07T1W10可憐kěliánVspitiful, pitiable, poor
B5L07T1W11相依為命xiāngyī wéimìngIdto depend on each other (for survival)
B5L07T1W12一身病痛yìshēn bìngtòngIdillness and pain all over the body
B5L07T1W13懂事dǒngshìVssensible, to have a good head on one's shoulders
B5L07T1W14主動zhǔdòngAdvtake the initiative, take it upon oneself to
B5L07T1W15援助yuánzhùV/Nto assist; assistance, aid
B5L07T1W17吃力chīlìVsto entail strenuous effort, be a strain
B5L07T1W18家產jiāchǎnNfamily property
B5L07T1W19一無所有yìwú suǒyǒuIdhave nothing at all, not own a thing in the world, penniless
B5L07T1W20對於duìyúPrepas to, with regard to, to
B5L07T1W21累積lěijīVto accumulate
B5L07T1W22貧戶pínhùNhouseholds below poverty line
B5L07T1W23袖手旁觀xiùshǒu pángguānIdstand by and watch, sit there twiddling one's thumbs, not lift a finger
B5L07T1W24調整tiáozhěngV/Nto adjust; adjustment
B5L07T1W25創造chuàngzàoVto create
B5L07T1W26津貼jīntiēNallowance (as in travel allowance)
B5L07T1W27等同děngtóngVsttantamount to, equivalent to
B5L07T1W28補貼bǔtiēV/Nto subsidize; subsidy
B5L07T1W29分子fènzǐNmember (of an organisation)
B5L07T1W30舉例jǔlìV-septo give an example
B5L07T1W31工資gōngzīNpay, salary
B5L07T1W32完善wánshànVsfully devised, perfect
B5L07T1W33出手chūshǒuVito spend, hand out, pay out
B5L07T1W34大方dàfāngVsgenerous, magnanimous
B5L07T1W35在於zàiyúVstto lie in (the fact that), consist in
B5L07T1W36進行jìnxíngVto carry out, conduct, undertake
B5L07T1W37共享gòngxiǎngVto share, enjoy
B5L07T1W38倘若tǎngruòConjif, in the event that, supposing
B5L07T1W39不服bùfúVsto refuse to accept, unconvinced
B5L07T1W40稅收shuìshōuNtax revenue
B5L07T1W41生存shēngcúnVi/Nto survive, exist; survival
B5L07T1W42提心吊膽tíxīn diàodǎnIdon tenterhooks, nervous
B5L07T1W43警力jǐnglìNpolice force
B5L07T1W44治安zhì'ānNpublic security
B5L07T2W01哈佛大學Hāfó DàxuéNHarvard University Name
B5L07T2W03心臟xīnzàngNheart (organ)
B5L07T2W06急迫jípòVsurgent, pressing
B5L07T2W08移植yízhíVto transplant
B5L07T2W09捐贈juānzèngVto donate
B5L07T2W11全身quánshēnNentire body
B5L07T2W12麻醉mázuìVto anesthetize (全身麻醉 general anesthesia)
B5L07T2W13chōuVto levy (a tax)
B5L07T2W15眾人zhòngrénNpeople in general, the multitude
B5L07T2W16奪取duóqǔVto seize, take by force
B5L07T2W17tángMmeasure for classes (in terms of minutes; not for courses, classrooms, or students that make up a class)
B5L07T2W18奮鬥fèndòuVito struggle, strive
B5L07T2W19犧牲xīshēngVto sacrifice
B5L07T2W20máiVto bury
B5L07T2W21繳稅單jiǎoshuìdānNtax form
B5L07T2W22無所事事wúsuǒ shìshìIdhave nothing to do, to lay idle (here, unemployed)
B5L07T2W23短暫duǎnzhànVstransient, short, brief
B5L07T2W24pīnVsto work hard
B5L07T2W25xǐngVpto wake up, awaken
B5L07T2W26苦笑kǔxiàoVito smile bitterly/wryly, to force a smile
B5L07T2W27歪理wāilǐNpreposterous argument (i.e., that's dumb! What idiot thought that up?!)
B5L07T2W28米蟲mǐchóngNsponge, parasite (lit. a rice bug)
B5L07T2W30劫富濟貧jiéfù jìpínIdsteal from the rich and give to the poor (spirit of Robin Hood)
B5L07T2W31強制qiǎngzhìAdvby force into, coerced into
B5L07T2W32奪走duózǒuVto take away, snatch
B5L07T2W33被迫bèipòVsto be forced, compelled
B5L07T2W34捐款juānkuǎnV-septo donate money
B5L07T2W35眼紅yǎnhóngVsto covet, envious
B5L07T2W36分享fēnxiǎngVto share
B5L07T2W37成果chéngguǒNoutcome, result
B5L07T2W38不勞而獲bùláo érhuòIdto reap where one has not sown, get something for nothing
B5L07T2W39依靠yīkàoVto rely on, depend on
B5L07T2W40Vto pull
B5L07T2W43打擊dǎjíVto strike a blow to
B5L07T2W44創富chuàngfùVito create wealth
B5L07T2W45介入jièrùVto intervene, get involved in

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