jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

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Textook 2 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 3 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 4 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 5 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Textook 6 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B4L02T1W01李雲真Lǐ YúnzhēnLi Yunzhen, female Character Name
B4L02T1W05打扮dǎbànVto put on makeup
B4L02T1W06音樂廳yīnyuètīngNmusic hall, concert hall (廳 -tīng, hall)
B4L02T1W07表演biǎoyǎnN/Vperformance; to perform
B4L02T1W10丟臉diūliǎnVs-septo lose face, to be embarrassed
B4L02T1W13dǎngVto block
B4L02T1W14演出者yǎnchūzhěNperformer (演出 yǎnchū, to perform; 者 -zhě, person)
B4L02T1W15尊重zūnzhòngVstto respect
B4L02T1W17免得miǎndeConjlest, so as not to, to avoid
B4L02T1W18中場zhōngchǎngNintermission, halftime
B4L02T1W19準時zhǔnshíVsto be punctual, on time
B4L02T1W21huòConjor (formal)
B4L02T1W22shóuVsto be familiar with, to be close to somebody
B4L02T1W23Vto bring up, mention
B4L02T1W24咳嗽késòuVito cough
B4L02T1W25guānVto close, shut off
B4L02T1W26waPtcyikes, oh no
B4L02T1W27水準shuǐzhǔnNclass, cultural standard
B4L02T1W28手冊shǒucèNprogramme, manual
B4L02T1W29洗手間xǐshǒujiānNrestroom (間 -jiān, part of 房間, room)
B4L02T1W30提醒tíxǐngVto remind
B4L02T1W31xiǎngVpto sound
B4L02T1W33PtcShh, to hush
B4L02T1W34看不成kànbùchéngPhto miss out
B4L02T1W35聯絡感情liánluò gǎnqíngPhto get to know each other better to strengthen ties with each other
B4L02T1W36擤鼻涕xǐng bítìPhto blow one's nose
B4L02T2W01chǎngMmeasure word for performances
B4L02T2W02強調qiángdiàoVto stress
B4L02T2W04千萬qiānwànAdvby all means
B4L02T2W09huàV/Nto paint; painting
B4L02T2W12繪畫huìhuàN(act of) painting, drawing
B4L02T2W13děngPtcetc., and so forth
B4L02T2W15表現biǎoxiànV/Nto manifest, express; manifestation, expression
B4L02T2W16zhīPtcof (from classical Chinese, roughly equivalent to the modern Chinese 的)
B4L02T2W17劇情jùqíngNstory, plot, storyline
B4L02T2W18導演dǎoyǎnNdirector (movies)
B4L02T2W19suǒPtca verbal marker (marking what comes after as a verb)
B4L02T2W20hóngVspopular (of an actress or singer)
B4L02T2W21明星míngxīngNmovie stars
B4L02T2W22演技yǎnjìNacting skills
B4L02T2W23Vptto get, obtain, receive
B4L02T2W27仔細zǐxìAdvcarefully, attentively
B4L02T2W28留意liúyìVstto pay attention to, take note of
B4L02T2W30滿足mǎnzúVstto satisfy
B4L02T2W31豐盛fēngshèngVssumptuous, abundant
B4L02T2W32國家戲劇院Guójiā XìjùyuànNational Theater Name
B4L02T2W33雲門舞集Yúnmén WǔjíCloud Gate Dance Theatre Name
B4L02T2W34國家音樂廳Guójiā YīnyuètīngNational Concert Hall Name
B4L02T2W35金馬影展Jīnmǎ YǐngzhǎnGolden Horse Film Festival Name
B4L02T2W36現代舞xiàndài wǔPhmodern dance
B4L02T2W37無人不知無人不曉wúrén bùzhī wúrén bùxiǎoPhknown to all
B4L02T2W38百聞不如一見bǎiwén bùrú yíjiànPhseeing it once is better than hearing about it a hundred times
B4L02T2W39老街lǎojiēPhold street
B4L02T2W40街頭藝術jiētóu yìshùPhstreet art
B4L02T2W41裝置藝術zhuāngzhì yìshùPhinstallation art
B4L02T2W42填飽tiánbǎoPhto fill one's belly
B4L02T2W43口腹之慾kǒufù zhīyùPhthe desire of one's palate

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.