jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

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Book 3, chapter 4: 我愛台灣的人情味 I Love Taiwanese Hospitality
loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B3L04T1W01àiVstto love
B3L04T1W02人情味rénqíngwèiNto be hospitable, kind, friendly
B3L04T1W03fàngVto release
B3L04T1W04天燈tiāndēngNsky lantern
B3L04T1W06訊號xùnhàoNsignal (data connection)
B3L04T1W07元宵yuánxiāoNsweet sticky rice dumplings
B3L04T1W10感動gǎndòngVsto be touched, moved
B3L04T1W11擔仔麵dànzǎimiànNdanzai noodles (special dish from Tainan)
B3L04T1W12招牌zhāopáiNstore sign
B3L04T1W14zhuànVto earn
B3L04T1W15érAdvon the other hand, rather
B3L04T1W16jiāoVto make (friends)
B3L04T1W17理想lǐxiǎngNideals, aspirations
B3L04T1W18剛剛gānggāngAdvjust now
B3L04T1W19改天gǎitiānAdvsome other day
B3L04T1W20無聊wúliáoVsboring, dull
B3L04T1W21東區dōngqūNthe East District (of Taipei)
B3L04T1W23跨年kuàniánViwelcome in the (solar) New Year (lit. span the years)
B3L04T1W24種類zhǒnglèiNtype, category
B3L04T1W26感覺gǎnjuéNfeeling; a feeling of...
B3L04T1W27雞排jīpáiNchicken fillet
B3L04T1W29紅茶hóngcháNblack tea (lit. red tea)
B3L04T1W30平溪PíngxīPingxi, a town in northern Taiwan Name
B3L04T1W31元宵節Yuánxiāo jiéthe Lantern Festival (15th day of the 1st month) Name
B3L04T1W32孔廟KǒngmiàoConfucian Temple Name
B3L04T1W33校外教學xiàowài jiāoxuéPhfield trip, class excursion
B3L04T1W34碰到pèngdàoPhto run into
B3L04T1W35水煎包shuǐjiān bāoPhpan-fried pork bun
B3L04T2W01同事tóngshìNcolleague, coworker
B3L04T2W02美食měishíNdelicacies, delicious foods
B3L04T2W03shàngVto go up to
B3L04T2W04pàoVto steep (tea), to soak oneself in, i.e., to bath in
B3L04T2W05錯過cuòguòVptto miss (an opportunity)
B3L04T2W06營業yíngyèVito open for business, in operation (businesses)
B3L04T2W07夜景yèjǐngNnight view
B3L04T2W08古老gǔlǎoVsancient, antiquated
B3L04T2W09古蹟gǔjīNhistorical site
B3L04T2W10重視zhòngshìVstto place emphasis on, to lay stress on, to value
B3L04T2W15zhōuNcongee, watery rice
B3L04T2W16講究jiǎngjiùVstto be discriminating in, to be discerning, meticulous
B3L04T2W17dùnMmeasure word for the duration of a meal
B3L04T2W21gàiVto build, to erect
B3L04T2W22dāiVito stay, to remain
B3L04T2W23欣賞xīnshǎngVto appreciate, to enjoy
B3L04T2W25鈴木LíngmùJapanese last name: Lingmu (Japanese: Suzuki) Name
B3L04T2W26赤崁樓Chìkǎn LóuChihkan Tower, a.k.a. Fort Provintia (stronghold built by the Dutch, in Tainan, in the 17th century) Name
B3L04T2W27留下來liú xià láiPhto leave behind
B3L04T2W28木造mù zàoPhwooden; made from wood
B3L04T2W29非去不可fēiqù bùkěPhVisiting (it) is a must!!

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