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Book 2, chapter 15: 過春節 Lunar New Year
loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B2L15T1W01春節chūnjiéNthe Lunar New Year, the Spring Festival
B2L15T1W02伯伯bóboN(older) uncle, friends' fathers in general
B2L15T1W03年夜飯niányèfànNLunar New Year's Eve dinner
B2L15T1W04打擾dǎrǎoVto trouble (someone), to disturb
B2L15T1W07圍爐wéilúV-sepfor a family to gather over Lunar New Year's Eve dinner
B2L15T1W09全家quánjiāNthe entire family
B2L15T1W13過年guò niánPhto celebrate the Lunar New Year
B2L15T1W14除夕夜chúxì yèPhLunar New Year's Eve
B2L15T1W15睡著shuìzháoPhto fall asleep
B2L15T1W16壓歲錢yāsuìqiánPhNew Year's Eve money
B2L15T1W17恭喜發財gōngxǐ fācáiPhCongratulations. I wish you wealth.
B2L15T1W18好了hǎo lePhOK
B2L15T2W01節日jiérìNholiday, festival
B2L15T2W02打掃dǎsǎoVto clean up (must include sweeping)
B2L15T2W03另外lìngwàiConjin addition
B2L15T2W04春聯chūnliánNNew Year's couplets (with calligraphy, in doublets)
B2L15T2W05除夕chúxìNLunar New Year's Eve
B2L15T2W06年糕niángāoNnew year rice cake
B2L15T2W07橘子júziNorange, tangerine
B2L15T2W08守歲shǒusuìVito stay up waiting for the arrival of the New Year
B2L15T2W09說法shuōfǎNway of saying things, a theory
B2L15T2W11huóVsto live, to stay active
B2L15T2W12平安píng'ānVspeaceful, eventless
B2L15T2W13出門chūménV-septo go out, to leave the house
B2L15T2W14拜年bàiniánV-septo pay a New Year visit
B2L15T2W16起來qǐláiPtcAs a resultative particle, it indicates the beginning of an action of state.
B2L15T2W17華人HuárénChinese, a person of Chinese ethnicity Name
B2L15T2W18貼上tiēshàngPhto stick on (the wall)
B2L15T2W19年年有餘niánnián yǒuyúPhabundance every year
B2L15T2W20步步高升bùbù gāoshēngPhto rise in social rank
B2L15T2W21大吉大利dàjí dàlìPhgreat wishes for the new year
B2L15T2W22放鞭炮fàng biānpàoPhto set off firecrackers
B2L15T2W23大年初一dànián chūyīPhfirst day of the Lunar New Year
B2L15T2W24大年初五dànián chūwǔPhfifth day of the Lunar New Year

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