jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

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loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B5L08T1W0左右為難zuǒyòu wéinánIdin a dilemma, be in a bind, in a predicament, in a fix
B5L08T1W0男童nántóngNboy, male child
B5L08T1W0溺死nìsǐVpto drown (to death), die from drowning
B5L08T1W0震驚zhènjīngVptto shock, stun, startle
B5L08T1W0接連jiēliánAdvin succession, in a row
B5L08T1W0事件shìjiànNincident, episode
B5L08T1W0不滿bùmǎnVsdiscontent, unhappy with
B5L08T1W01分擔fēndānVto share a burden, share responsibility
B5L08T1W02huàVto turn into, change into, convert into, transform into
B5L08T1W03轉機zhuǎnjīN(life-saving) opportunity
B5L08T1W04海面hǎimiànNthe surface of the ocean/sea
B5L08T1W05難以數計nányǐ shùjìIdcountless (lit. hard to calculate)
B5L08T1W06屍體shītǐNcorpse, body
B5L08T1W07怵目驚心chùmù jīngxīnIdshocked to witness
B5L08T1W08màoVto risk
B5L08T1W09聯合國LiánhéguóNUnited Nations, UN Name
B5L08T1W10zhǐPtcuntil (classical Chinese)
B5L08T1W12人數rénshùNnumber of people
B5L08T1W13面臨miànlínVto face, confront
B5L08T1W14團結tuánjiéVito unite, form solidarity with
B5L08T1W15召開zhàokāiVto convene, hold (a meeting)
B5L08T1W16高峰會gāofēng huìNSummit (meeting)
B5L08T1W17領袖lǐngxiùNleader, head of a state
B5L08T1W18消除xiāochúVto eliminate
B5L08T1W20前-qiánNformer-, ex-
B5L08T1W21歐巴馬ŌubāmǎNBarack Obama (former US president) Name
B5L08T1W22會議huìyìNconference, meeting
B5L08T1W23主義zhǔyìN-ism (as in terrorism, Communism)
B5L08T1W25向來xiàngláiAdvalways, all along
B5L08T1W26單一dānyīVs-attrone, single (any one country's responsibility)
B5L08T1W27共同gòngtóngAdvtogether, jointly
B5L08T1W28排外páiwàiVianti-foreign, xenophobic
B5L08T1W29融入róngrùVto integrate, blend in
B5L08T1W30收容shōuróngVto offer refuge to
B5L08T1W31或許huòxǔAdvperhaps, probably
B5L08T1W33轉化zhuǎnhuàVito change into, transform into
B5L08T1W34里約LǐyuēNRio, Brasil Name
B5L08T1W35奧運ÀoyùnNOlympics Name
B5L08T1W36首度shǒudùAdvfirst time
B5L08T1W37代表隊dàibiǎoduìNrepresentative team, team representing
B5L08T1W38逃離táolíVto escape from, flee from
B5L08T1W39戰火zhànhuǒNfires of war
B5L08T1W40殘障cánzhàngNphysical disability
B5L08T1W41忘掉wàngdiàoVptto forget
B5L08T1W44索馬利亞SuǒmǎlìyǎNSomalia Name
B5L08T1W45之後zhīhòuNsubsequent to that
B5L08T1W46參選cānxuǎnVto run in an election
B5L08T1W47膚色fūsèNskin color
B5L08T1W49扶持fúchíVto support, help, aid, assist
B5L08T2W01優先yōuxiānVsto be given priority
B5L08T2W02無力wúlìVstincapable of, powerless to
B5L08T2W03安置ānzhìVto make proper living arrangements for
B5L08T2W04支出zhīchūN/Vexpenditure; to expend
B5L08T2W05導致dǎozhìVto cause, result in, lead to
B5L08T2W08對立duìlìVsto oppose, be in opposition to, be antagonistic
B5L08T2W09罷了bàlePtcmerely, that's it, that is all
B5L08T2W10德國DéguóNGermany Name
B5L08T2W11每況愈下měikuàng yùxiàIdto deteriorate, go downhill, go from bad to worse
B5L08T2W12拖垮tuōkuǎVto pull down with, drag down
B5L08T2W13忽略hūlüèVto ignore, overlook
B5L08T2W14一一yīyīAdvone by one, separately
B5L08T2W15過濾guòlǜVto filter
B5L08T2W16有機可乘yǒujī kěchéngIdtake advantage of a situation
B5L08T2W17接二連三jiē'èr liánsānIdone after another, in rapid succession
B5L08T2W18衝突chōngtúVsto conflict
B5L08T2W19升高shēnggāoVpto increase, rise
B5L08T2W20在在zàizàiAdvin all aspects (classical Chinese)
B5L08T2W21設置shèzhìVto establish, set up
B5L08T2W22難民營nànmínyíngNrefugee camp
B5L08T2W23關閉guānbìVto close down
B5L08T2W25通往tōngwǎngVto go to, lead to
B5L08T2W26交託jiāotuōVto entrust (one's safety, life, etc.) to
B5L08T2W29助長zhùzhǎngVto foster, encourage (negatively)
B5L08T2W30支付zhīfùVto make a payment to
B5L08T2W31總理zǒnglǐNchancellor, prime minister, premier
B5L08T2W32梅克爾Méikè'ěrNMerkel (German chancellor) Name
B5L08T2W33承認chéngrènVto admit, confess
B5L08T2W34低估dīgūVto underestimate
B5L08T2W35和平hépíngVs/Npeaceful; peace
B5L08T2W36對策duìcèNcountermeasure, strategy
B5L08T2W37販運fànyùnNtrafficking, smuggling, transporting
B5L08T2W38首要之務shǒuyào zhīwùIdtop/first priority, the most important issue

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.