jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.

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Book 3, chapter 11: 台灣故事 The Story of Taiwan
loc hanzi pinyin pos def
B3L11T1W01jiànVto build (Classical Chinese)
B3L11T1W02重建chóngjiànVto rebuild
B3L11T1W03到底dàodǐAdvin the end, after all
B3L11T1W06商業shāngyèNcommerce, business
B3L11T1W07利益lìyìNgains, benefit
B3L11T1W08pàiVto send, dispatch
B3L11T1W09軍隊jūnduìNarmy, military
B3L11T1W10shāoVto burn
B3L11T1W11城牆chéngqiángNcity walls, defensive walls
B3L11T1W13甚至shènzhìAdveven, even to the point of
B3L11T1W14打仗dǎzhàngV-septo engage in warfare
B3L11T1W15少數shǎoshùNminority, a few
B3L11T1W16開墾kāikěnVto open up land for farming
B3L11T1W18軍人jūnrénNmilitary service member
B3L11T1W19平原píngyuánNflatland, plains
B3L11T1W21血統xiětǒngNblood, bloodline
B3L11T1W22louPtca sentence-final particle meaning 'in that case'
B3L11T1W24領土lǐngtǔNterritory (of a nation)
B3L11T1W26禁止jìnzhǐVto forbid
B3L11T1W27Vto take a woman in marriage
B3L11T1W28相信xiāngxìnVstto believe
B3L11T1W29精彩jīngcǎiVssplendid, brilliant as (of a performance)
B3L11T1W30紅毛城Hóngmáo chéngFort Santo Domingo, lit. red-hair city Name
B3L11T1W31東方Dōngfāngthe East, the Orient Name
B3L11T1W32淡水DànshuǐTamsui Name
B3L11T1W33漢人Hàn rénHan-ethnic Chinese Name
B3L11T1W34鄭成功Zhèng ChénggōngKoxinga, 國姓爺, 1624-1662, who ruled Taiwan against the Manchu sovereignty Name
B3L11T1W35明朝Míng cháoMing Dynasty, 1368-1644 Name
B3L11T1W36中南美洲Zhōngnán MěizhōuCentral and South America Name
B3L11T1W37清朝Qīng cháoQing Dynasty, 1644-1911 Name
B3L11T1W38大清帝國Dàqīng dìguóthe Qing Empire Name
B3L11T1W39輪到lúndàoPhone's turn, it's up to
B3L11T1W40十七世紀初shíqī shìjì chūPhearly 17th century
B3L11T1W41打敗dǎ bàiPhto defeat
B3L11T1W42十七世紀末shíqī shìjì mòPhlate 17th century
B3L11T2W01餐桌cānzhuōNdining table
B3L11T2W03tàoMset of (books, clothes, equipment etc.)
B3L11T2W04燒餅shāobǐngNclay oven sesame seed biscuits, like Indian 'nan'
B3L11T2W05油條yóutiáoNdeep-fried dough sticks
B3L11T2W06飯糰fàntuánNrice rolls with various fillings
B3L11T2W07豆漿dòujiāngNsoy milk
B3L11T2W08內戰nèizhànNcivil war
B3L11T2W09人民rénmínNthe people
B3L11T2W10攤子tānziNroadside stand, vendor's stall
B3L11T2W12蘿蔔luóboNdaikon radish
B3L11T2W13接著jiēzheAdvto continue, to pick up where something left off
B3L11T2W15不斷búduànVscontinual, incessant
B3L11T2W16遷移qiānyíVito migrate
B3L11T2W17多半duōbànAdvmostly, in the majority of cases
B3L11T2W21jiānVto pan fry
B3L11T2W22菜色càisèNvariety of dishes
B3L11T2W23以及yǐjíConjand, as well as
B3L11T2W27飲食yǐnshíNfood, diet
B3L11T2W29蔣介石Jiǎng JièshíChiang Kai-Shek, 1887-1975 Name
B3L11T2W30國共內戰Guó Gòng nèizhànthe Chinese Civil War (i.e., between the Kuomintang and the Communists), 1927-1937, 1945-1950 Name
B3L11T2W31客家人Kèjiā rénthe Hakka people, a branch of Han Name
B3L11T2W32閩南人Mǐnnán rénthe Southern Min people, also called Hokkien Name
B3L11T2W33蛋餅dàn bǐngPhan egg wrap
B3L11T2W34打輸dǎ shūPhto be defeated
B3L11T2W35擺攤子bǎi tānziPhto set up a vendor's stall
B3L11T2W36蘿蔔糕luóbo gāoPhdaikon cakes
B3L11T2W37烹飪課pēngrèn kèPhcooking class
B3L11T2W38曬乾shài gānPhto sun dry
B3L11T2W39各種各樣gèzhǒng gèyàngPhvarious types
B3L11T2W40殖民統治zhímín tǒngzhìPhto colonise and rule
B3L11T2W41味噌湯wèizēng tāngPhmiso soup (Japanese food)
B3L11T2W42蘿蔔乾luóbo gānPhdried daikon
B3L11T2W43進一步jìn yí bùPhfurther

A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.