jnbu All vocabulary from a Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程) book in one place.
Textook 1 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 2 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Textook 3 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 4 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Textook 5 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Textook 6 lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
loc | hanzi | pinyin | pos | def |
B3L11T1W01 | 建 | jiàn | V | to build (Classical Chinese) |
B3L11T1W02 | 重建 | chóngjiàn | V | to rebuild |
B3L11T1W03 | 到底 | dàodǐ | Adv | in the end, after all |
B3L11T1W04 | 世紀 | shìjì | N | century |
B3L11T1W05 | 貿易 | màoyì | N | trade |
B3L11T1W06 | 商業 | shāngyè | N | commerce, business |
B3L11T1W07 | 利益 | lìyì | N | gains, benefit |
B3L11T1W08 | 派 | pài | V | to send, dispatch |
B3L11T1W09 | 軍隊 | jūnduì | N | army, military |
B3L11T1W10 | 燒 | shāo | V | to burn |
B3L11T1W11 | 城牆 | chéngqiáng | N | city walls, defensive walls |
B3L11T1W12 | 頭髮 | tóufǎ | N | hair |
B3L11T1W13 | 甚至 | shènzhì | Adv | even, even to the point of |
B3L11T1W14 | 打仗 | dǎzhàng | V-sep | to engage in warfare |
B3L11T1W15 | 少數 | shǎoshù | N | minority, a few |
B3L11T1W16 | 開墾 | kāikěn | V | to open up land for farming |
B3L11T1W17 | 將軍 | jiāngjūn | N | general |
B3L11T1W18 | 軍人 | jūnrén | N | military service member |
B3L11T1W19 | 平原 | píngyuán | N | flatland, plains |
B3L11T1W20 | 人口 | rénkǒu | N | population |
B3L11T1W21 | 血統 | xiětǒng | N | blood, bloodline |
B3L11T1W22 | 嘍 | lou | Ptc | a sentence-final particle meaning 'in that case' |
B3L11T1W23 | 孫子 | sūnzi | N | grandson |
B3L11T1W24 | 領土 | lǐngtǔ | N | territory (of a nation) |
B3L11T1W25 | 男性 | nánxìng | N | male |
B3L11T1W26 | 禁止 | jìnzhǐ | V | to forbid |
B3L11T1W27 | 娶 | qǔ | V | to take a woman in marriage |
B3L11T1W28 | 相信 | xiāngxìn | Vst | to believe |
B3L11T1W29 | 精彩 | jīngcǎi | Vs | splendid, brilliant as (of a performance) |
B3L11T1W30 | 紅毛城 | Hóngmáo chéng | Fort Santo Domingo, lit. red-hair city Name | |
B3L11T1W31 | 東方 | Dōngfāng | the East, the Orient Name | |
B3L11T1W32 | 淡水 | Dànshuǐ | Tamsui Name | |
B3L11T1W33 | 漢人 | Hàn rén | Han-ethnic Chinese Name | |
B3L11T1W34 | 鄭成功 | Zhèng Chénggōng | Koxinga, 國姓爺, 1624-1662, who ruled Taiwan against the Manchu sovereignty Name | |
B3L11T1W35 | 明朝 | Míng cháo | Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644 Name | |
B3L11T1W36 | 中南美洲 | Zhōngnán Měizhōu | Central and South America Name | |
B3L11T1W37 | 清朝 | Qīng cháo | Qing Dynasty, 1644-1911 Name | |
B3L11T1W38 | 大清帝國 | Dàqīng dìguó | the Qing Empire Name | |
B3L11T1W39 | 輪到 | lúndào | Ph | one's turn, it's up to |
B3L11T1W40 | 十七世紀初 | shíqī shìjì chū | Ph | early 17th century |
B3L11T1W41 | 打敗 | dǎ bài | Ph | to defeat |
B3L11T1W42 | 十七世紀末 | shíqī shìjì mò | Ph | late 17th century |
B3L11T2W01 | 餐桌 | cānzhuō | N | dining table |
B3L11T2W02 | 中式 | Zhōngshì | N | Chinese-style |
B3L11T2W03 | 套 | tào | M | set of (books, clothes, equipment etc.) |
B3L11T2W04 | 燒餅 | shāobǐng | N | clay oven sesame seed biscuits, like Indian 'nan' |
B3L11T2W05 | 油條 | yóutiáo | N | deep-fried dough sticks |
B3L11T2W06 | 飯糰 | fàntuán | N | rice rolls with various fillings |
B3L11T2W07 | 豆漿 | dòujiāng | N | soy milk |
B3L11T2W08 | 內戰 | nèizhàn | N | civil war |
B3L11T2W09 | 人民 | rénmín | N | the people |
B3L11T2W10 | 攤子 | tānzi | N | roadside stand, vendor's stall |
B3L11T2W11 | 菜單 | càidān | N | menu |
B3L11T2W12 | 蘿蔔 | luóbo | N | daikon radish |
B3L11T2W13 | 接著 | jiēzhe | Adv | to continue, to pick up where something left off |
B3L11T2W14 | 戰爭 | zhànzhēng | N | war |
B3L11T2W15 | 不斷 | búduàn | Vs | continual, incessant |
B3L11T2W16 | 遷移 | qiānyí | Vi | to migrate |
B3L11T2W17 | 多半 | duōbàn | Adv | mostly, in the majority of cases |
B3L11T2W18 | 困難 | kùnnán | Vs | difficult |
B3L11T2W19 | 節儉 | jiéjiǎn | Vs | frugal |
B3L11T2W20 | 主婦 | zhǔfù | N | housewife |
B3L11T2W21 | 煎 | jiān | V | to pan fry |
B3L11T2W22 | 菜色 | càisè | N | variety of dishes |
B3L11T2W23 | 以及 | yǐjí | Conj | and, as well as |
B3L11T2W24 | 美味 | měiwèi | Vs | delicious |
B3L11T2W25 | 點心 | diǎnxīn | N | desserts |
B3L11T2W26 | 日式 | Rìshì | N | Japanese-style |
B3L11T2W27 | 飲食 | yǐnshí | N | food, diet |
B3L11T2W28 | 深 | shēn | Vs | deep |
B3L11T2W29 | 蔣介石 | Jiǎng Jièshí | Chiang Kai-Shek, 1887-1975 Name | |
B3L11T2W30 | 國共內戰 | Guó Gòng nèizhàn | the Chinese Civil War (i.e., between the Kuomintang and the Communists), 1927-1937, 1945-1950 Name | |
B3L11T2W31 | 客家人 | Kèjiā rén | the Hakka people, a branch of Han Name | |
B3L11T2W32 | 閩南人 | Mǐnnán rén | the Southern Min people, also called Hokkien Name | |
B3L11T2W33 | 蛋餅 | dàn bǐng | Ph | an egg wrap |
B3L11T2W34 | 打輸 | dǎ shū | Ph | to be defeated |
B3L11T2W35 | 擺攤子 | bǎi tānzi | Ph | to set up a vendor's stall |
B3L11T2W36 | 蘿蔔糕 | luóbo gāo | Ph | daikon cakes |
B3L11T2W37 | 烹飪課 | pēngrèn kè | Ph | cooking class |
B3L11T2W38 | 曬乾 | shài gān | Ph | to sun dry |
B3L11T2W39 | 各種各樣 | gèzhǒng gèyàng | Ph | various types |
B3L11T2W40 | 殖民統治 | zhímín tǒngzhì | Ph | to colonise and rule |
B3L11T2W41 | 味噌湯 | wèizēng tāng | Ph | miso soup (Japanese food) |
B3L11T2W42 | 蘿蔔乾 | luóbo gān | Ph | dried daikon |
B3L11T2W43 | 進一步 | jìn yí bù | Ph | further |
A Course in Contemporary Chinese is a popular book used in mandarin learning centers in Taiwan (Republic of China). This website lets you view all the vocabulary from the book easily and quickly. You can search through the words to filter exactly the ones you are looking for. If the search query contain multiple terms (separated by space), then only the rows containing all of them will be displayed (AND operator). For example, searching for "b3 月" will display all words from textbook 3 that contain chinese character 月.